Friday, March 14, 2025

Don't you love to get into God's Word and experience the revelation of what He is saying for your life and what He is doing among us in the world today! Through this blog, we will explore the heart of God and the flow of His Spirit. At times we will discuss those spiritual issues that many of us want to know more about. Get ready to go deeper into the Word of God.


DEEPER IN THE WORD -- March      





        Are Things


        Too Fast?

Jeanne Alcott


     Are things going too fast in your life?  Are events or problems coming at you with such rapid speed it doesn’t seem you can keep up with the need?  You can’t get a hold of what’s going on and get it under control.  That need is always before you.

    It can be a financial need or a material one.  It could be that you have to have more time or strength or patience.  Think of all the needs you’re facing right now as you’re reading this.  They are confronting you, and time is running out to see the need met.

    However, what God wants to show you is that He is faster than the need.  It can’t overwhelm you or disable you from being able to see it met.  You’re not going to be conquered by this, because as you go to God, He’s faster at helping you meet that need than it can overwhelm you.

    Hey, God is a need-meeter.  He knows how to fulfill them and sees when you have to have help in your life.  So when that problem or shortage is coming at you pretty fast, remember that God is faster.

    Not just that, but remember that He gives in abundance.  So He isn’t just going to meet the need in a small way.  He will do greater than what you can imagine, no matter what the need is.

    We get to see this happens to so many of our ministry Partners when they get their needs met.  It’s because they are connecting with the Word of God that we teach and coming into a prayer of agreement with us.  With that much faith going up to God, it activates His ability to fulfill what they’re lacking in all areas of their lives.


Not just enough, but leftovers.

​​​​​​​     Just one example is when I heard from a woman who said she had a praise report because all her financial needs were being met.  And she said they were being met quote “over and above.  I always have lots left over.”

​​​​​​​     When the need comes, and it is more than we can handle, God is faster than that need.  He can meet it and more.  Think of that.  She said she has so much that it’s left over.  God can do more than what’s required.  So say to yourself, “God can meet it and more.”

​​​​​​​     He’s not the type of God who says, “I might can help you just a bit.  Maybe there’s one or two things I could do.”  He says, “I’ve got this taken care of.  There is no need greater than My ability to meet it.”  As we have faith in those words from Him, and in His power, then we can see them come to pass.

​​​​​​​     This very principle is what Jesus had to work hard at getting His disciples to comprehend.  He’s still working at it today with us, His disciples.  That’s because we have limits as people and so when we see a need in front of us, that’s where our brain focuses.  Our brain has a tendency to focus on what isn’t there.  But our believing focuses on what is there in the supernatural.  It sees it as met.  We see the need as met by God.

​​​​​​​     So when Jesus walked this earth, He worked at teaching His disciples this.  But there’s nothing such as a demonstration that can convince people.  So that’s what we’re going to take a look at right now.  In Matthew 14, we see the story of how Jesus gave a great demonstration on how He is faster than the need when it’s presented.

They need to come to Me.

​​​​​​​     This was the time when He had just come ashore on the Sea of Galilee.  The crowds of people had found out He would be there and so they showed up.  They came with those who were sick and in need.  So Jesus had compassion on them and began to heal them and take care of every need.

​​​​​​​     But then another kind of need came up.  They were in a remote area and evening was coming.  His disciples saw that the day was over and there was no way to feed thousands of people in such a remote area.  So they encouraged Jesus to send the people away in order for them to try to make it to the villages to get something to eat before nightfall.  They said the people needed to go someplace else to get their need met.

​​​​​​​     However, Jesus said, “They don’t need to go someplace else.  They need to come to Me.”  When people come to the Lord, He isn’t going to tell them they need to go someplace else to have their desire fulfilled.  It can happen right now, with Him, on the spot.  It didn’t matter that…
        the day was over,
        they were out of time,
        and there wasn’t any way they could get enough food to feed these people.
​​​​​​​     Your day may seem to be over, but that will not stop God from meeting your need.

​​​​​​​     So when the disciples said they didn’t have supplies to meet the need of the hunger of the people, Jesus said, They do not need to go away; you give them something to eat.  (Ref. Matthew 14:16.)  So to prove the point there wasn’t enough, those twelve disciples showed Him what they had.  Five loaves of bread and two fish.  Not enough to do anything with.

​​​​​​​     That’s what we think sometimes.  I don’t have enough to meet my need; in fact I don’t have enough to do anything with it.  But God sees what we have and He knows it’s more than enough to meet the need WHEN He applies His supernatural power to it.  That’s how we need to think of our need being met.  Whatever we have, the small amount of health or money or effort or time or joy—when God’s supernatural power is applied to it, it multiplies.

​​​​​​​     Jesus showed us a picture of this when He took the bread and the fish and He ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass.  They were to get organized so the disciples could serve them.  Now He’s telling these people to expect food coming, thousands of them, yet His disciples know all He has in His hands are just a few pieces of bread and fish.

Were the disciples freaking out?

​​​​​​​     You wonder if they were freaking out.  “Oh this is going to turn out bad.  Jesus is going to look bad to these people, because He’s giving them expectation they’re going to be fed and yet He doesn’t have the goods.”

​​​​​​​     Let me tell you, the Lord always has the goods to meet your need.  When He speaks to you about things that are not seen yet, He already knows what’s going to happen.  It’s your job to believe that.  Have faith in it.  This is what He was teaching His disciples.

​​​​​​​     So as the people sat down, Jesus gave thanks to God the Father and blessed the bread and broke it.  Then He handed the pieces to His disciples.  They in turn began to distribute them to the people.  And the scripture says the food was multiplied in front of their eyes.  (Ref. Matthew 14:20 TPT.)


What if you had been there?

​​​​​​​     Sometimes I wish I could’ve been there.

​​​​​​​     Sitting on that grass, surrounded by thousands of people, watching as Jesus raised the bread to heaven and blessed it and thanked God for it even though it wasn’t enough in the natural.  Then watching Him break it and hand it to His disciples.  As they come to me and it’s my turn to receive food, when they start to hand it to me, it multiplies before my eyes, and there’s more than enough as I take it from their hand and eat natural bread that was produced in a supernatural way.

​​​​​​​     Oh yes, the need was there, the end of the day was fast approaching, but God was faster.  He used His Son to meet the need and have some remaining.

​​​​​​​     Now here’s something else God did that puts a smile on your face.  We know all the people ate and were full and there was some left over.  But think about how MUCH there was remaining.  The Bible says there were twelve basketsful that were leftovers.  And how many disciples did Jesus have?  Twelve.

​​​​​​​     I think it’s so funny that He multiplied that food so there would be twelve baskets remaining.  One for each of the twelve disciples.  He was teaching them how to have faith in His ability and power.  Can you imagine the disciples getting into a group and putting their heads together as they start talking real fast to each other.

​​​​​​​     “I have a basket full of food and everyone’s been fed in my group.”  The next disciple says, “So do I.”  Another one says, “My basket is full and everyone had their need met in my group too.”  So all twelve of them can say the same thing.  Twelve disciples.  Twelve baskets of leftovers.  They each had evidence before them of the ability of God to meet the need fast enough.  And meet it more than enough.

​​​​​​​     Hey, believe you’re going to get your basket of leftovers.  You don’t have to worry about how fast the need is approaching.  At times it seems it can’t be met, it’s greater than the resources you have, and you think What’s going to happen!  I tell you what’s going to happen.  As you have faith, God will come in and it will be met and MORE.  More than you even require of Him to do.  That’s because He’s faster than what you need.



     Praise You, Lord, for what You’re speaking to my friend at this moment.  The need has seemed to be coming at them with so much speed.  In the natural they can’t see the resources to meet it.  Your Spirit is reminding them now that You’re faster  than the need.  They don’t have to worry about it.  It’s going to be met and over and above.

     They will see the multiplying power right before their eyes, just as those people did centuries ago when they saw food multiplied before their eyes.  You have not changed, therefore my friend will see the same miracle in front of them, but it will come to them in the area where they have need, in a different way.

      So we prepare our faith now to receive it.  We prepare our heart to believe it.  When our mind tells us the same thing as those disciples, that it just can’t happen, there aren’t enough resources and the day is ending fast, when our thoughts tell us that, we’ll respond with faith.  We say, “Our God is faster than this need.  He will take care of me.  He will answer by His power over and above what’s needed.”

      We expect that to come into their life now, and we praise You for what You’re doing.  In the name of Jesus.  Amen.


God can take care of you.

     God is a need-meeter.  It’s not His desire to have you in need.  He can take care of you.  So we believe the process is beginning.  That’s why we need to stand in faith for the multiplication to happen.

     He’s called us to stand in faith with you.  So were waiting here to hear from you.  That’s the only way we can pray for you in a personal way.  We have to know what your need is.  Then as soon as we receive that information from you, we’re going into prayer with you according to God’s Word.  Then we believe that need can be met over and above.  So we can’t wait to hear from you.  Just click here and it will come directly to us.  After we hear from you, then we will also write to you because we want to impart to you God’s Word from His Spirit for your life.  Jeanne and John Alcott


SPECIAL NOTE: After you give, expect to see God move quickly!

       Now I want to talk to you about something very serious happening in our society, because it involves the present and future of so many people.  We are in a time when God’s Word must be heard.  If it stops, then evil will reign and our Christian freedoms will be gone.

        So we as the Body of Christ have been called by Him to share His message, and not just the message of salvation but words that will disciple and grow people.  That’s why God has raised up this ministry, Alcott Ministries.

       Our vision is to show people how to walk in God’s ways and live in His power.  To do that we need you to be a part of it.  We have so many good givers, but we need more.  We need you!  If this ministry is going to continue giving these messages, praying for people, interceding, preparing and sending out materials of ministry, and being on radio and social media, and so many other things, we need those who are hearing this word to respond.  We believe more people will be helped and God will bless you for it.

       Remember, He promises to give into your life as you give to His work.  I can tell you that when John and I have faced a personal need, God was there faster than the problem.  It was because we had given to Him and expected Him to take care of us.  We encourage you to do the same now as John and I are and activate God’s Word in your behalf.


All scriptures are taken from the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition unless otherwise indicated.










You Have
God's Favor!
five-part message
Jeanne Alcott
Mar 10-14

What does it mean when the Bible talks about God’s favor?  It’s God’s support and benefits and protection for you.  It means He’s FOR your life.  With that comes privilege and approval.  But do you feel you’re living in that favor?  Do you recognize when it’s operating for you?  Are you making the most of it?  That’s what God’s Spirit is going to help you do as you hear His Word on favor.  You’ll be able to live in the fullness of the favor God!      
I.    You Have the Signs.
II.   You’re a Gem.
III.  Stay Out of the Stickers.
IV.  You Have Someone.
V.   You Receive the Uncommon.
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