to Him!
Jeanne Alcott
Recently I was facing a need, and during that time I did something that helped me make it through the day. It was at a time when I wanted to be reassured that God was there for me. I just needed something from Him to remind me that He was aware of me. So I said to Him, “Lord, give me some kind of word or sign that reassures me You’re mindful of me.” Then I waited all day to see what would happen.
Later that day, I received an e-mail from a person who had no idea I had prayed that prayer. But their e-mail contained words that made me to know God was very mindful of me and my need and was working to help me. It ministered to me so much.
That’s what God does to show that He’s mindful of you. He ministers to you! Somehow He reaches out to make Himself known in a personal way and sends comfort or strength or happiness. Whatever you need at that moment, that’s what God provides. He’s thinking about you and concentrating on your life and your needs and conditions. Now think about that! That’s amazing! God Almighty is thinking about and concentrating on YOUR life. Your needs, the conditions you face, those desires and dreams you have.
So I encourage you that when you need to be reassured by God that He is there for you and is doing something in your behalf, say to Him, “Show me that You’re mindful of me today.” Then be watching for what He will do to touch you in a personal way. He knows your needs and He is there to help you.
Everyone needs ministry at times.
This is what the Apostle Paul desired when he was having so many religious authorities come against him as he was preaching the gospel. He wanted God to minister to him in some way. It was a very difficult time for him, as you may be going through a difficult time now. He was on trial by the Jews, and during the trial, their attorney had called him a perfect pest. Isn’t that a terrible name? A perfect pest. He also called Paul an agitator, and a source of disturbance to all Jews.
At the trial, people said that he caused division, when in fact that’s what they were doing. (Ref. Acts 24:5.) So Paul wanted some reassurance from the Lord. That’s when God caused the Roman governor, Felix, to give the order to treat Paul as one who is free and not hinder his friends from coming to minister to his needs. So Paul was able to have his friends and coworkers come to provide for him and fellowship with him. God sent just the right people so the apostle would understand that He was mindful of him and was taking care of his needs in the difficult conditions he faced.
Another time Paul wrote about was when he was traveling and preaching, God sent a man named Epaphroditus. He called him his companion in working and a fellow soldier, as well as the one who ministered to his needs. (Ref. Philippians 2:25.)
This is also what God did for Jesus when He was on earth teaching the Word. In the Book of Mark and the Book of Luke it talks about how Joanna and Susanna and many others ministered to and provided for Jesus out of their property and personal belongings. (Ref. Luke 8:3.) When He was in Galilee there was a group of women whom the Bible says ministered to Him to help Him with all His material needs. (Ref. Mark 15:40, 41.)
See, everyone needs ministry at times. That’s what God sends so you know He’s mindful of you. He’s there to minister to your needs in the difficult times or in the days that you’re confused or you need direction and guidance. When you’re hurting or you’re apprehensive or fearful of something, God can minister to you.
Things will get better.
He wants you to feel how much He is there for you and He is attentive to your life. He regards you and sees what is happening. In the midst of it all, He can give you peace and assistance.
You know how it is when you have an obvious demonstration of God’s thoughts for you. It gives you a feeling of warmth and goodness. It helps stabilize your emotions. Your hope is strengthened. You can even put a smile on your face! You go on because you know, “My God is mindful of me.” So even in the hardest of times, you have assurance things will get better. Life will become easier and you can see your heart’s desire come to pass.
I heard how the Lord did this for a dear woman when she wanted Him to minister to her in a difficult time. A minister said he had an impression from God’s Spirit that he should call this woman he knew. He said it wasn’t just a suggestion from God but it was strong inside him that he must do this.
So he went around with this feeling for a few days. Then the day came when he knew it was now. He was to pick up the phone and call her. He didn’t know why or if there was a special purpose. All he knew was he was to tell her that he had been thinking of her and praying for her.
So when he got her on the phone, he began to express this to her. That’s when this woman was quiet for moment and then she reminded him this was the anniversary of the death of her husband. Right away, the minister knew that’s why God impressed him to call her.
The Lord cared so much for this widow that He wanted to make her aware that He was mindful of her and the sadness she would be experiencing that day. So He had this man call to show her she is in God’s thoughts and He’s there to comfort and minister to her every need. Because of that, she received great joy and strength from God that day.
God sends ministering spirits to you.
That’s how much God thinks about you and wants to minister to every part of your life. The Bible even tells us that’s why He provided angels to intervene in our life. They’re called ministering spirits—servants. Hebrews chapter 1 says these angels are sent out in the service of God to assist those who are to inherit salvation.
Now the word salvation here is the same one that is used in the book of Psalms. It’s referring to being delivered from the oppression of enemies, and to demonstrate that God is sending His blessings into your life.
You see, this scripture was written at a time when people were under pressure and persecution. God was saying that He had provided angels to help them make it to the final victory and be able to stand strong in their faith. In other words, angels do things of which we’re not aware that minister to us so we can have our final victory. God never turns away from you and leaves you to yourself to face the challenges. He’s provided everything you need so you can have hope and strength to enter into what He has for you.
Just because we don’t always see the angels doesn’t mean they are not there. We read about incidents when different people have encountered these ministering spirits.
Angels overhead.
There was a couple who told the amazing story of how they were walking in some woods one day on a vacation. As they were walking along the side of the creek, they began to hear some voices behind them. As they got near, the couple knew that whoever this was, they would soon catch up to them. But then all of a sudden, instead of the voices sounding as if they were coming behind them, they were above them, so this man and woman raised their faces up to see how these voices could be coming from above.
As they did, here’s how they described what they saw: six incredible creatures were overhead. They were radiant with spiritual beauty and they had on flowing white garments and were talking to each other. As they did, they floated past them above their heads, and then their voices faded into the distance.
Right away this couple turned to each other just to make sure the other one had seen what they saw. So they compared notes and each one had witnessed these angelic beings passing overhead. What’s interesting is they admit that up to that point, they had been very skeptical about the Bible saying that angels appeared to people such as Mary and to the shepherds at the birth of Christ. They thought maybe when it said angels, they were just symbols and not actually beings. But they weren’t skeptical anymore!
God had come to minister to them about how mindful He was of them. They said that now they are filled with so much wonderful hope all the time. They realize there’s a host of heaven about us who is there to serve our needs and help us.
Filled with wonderful hope.
That’s what God wants you to be filled with today. Wonderful hope. Realize that He has sent a host of heaven about you to serve you. To minister to you. They will make sure that you make it to your final victory and have comfort and strength during this time. He sent them to minister to Mary when she was told the stunning news that she was going to give birth to the Son of God, He sent angels to Jesus when He was in the wilderness being tempted, and to Elijah when he was in a cave, fearful and filled with doubt. We see angels at various times in God’s Word, and He wants you to know they are still active today for you.
Remember that you have ministering spirits doing the bidding of your Father to take care of you. That’s how mindful of you He is and that’s how much He wants to provide for your every need. Remember that David asked God, “What are we that You are mindful of us?” And God’s answer to you is, “You are everything to Me. I think about you. I regard your life. I observe everything about you, and I want to minister to your every need.”
So receive those words from Him and go about with an awareness that God is there to show you how active He is in your life. He is attentive to everything about you. So be filled with wonderful hope that you are on your way to final victory.
Lord, thank You that You are so mindful of me. I need You to minister to me at this time. Show me that You see everything that’s happening, and You have sent the help I need to change conditions. You’re increasing my hope and causing me to be filled with wonder at what You are doing in my behalf. You surround me with the forces of Your angels. They serve me and assist me. So, there is nothing that will prevent me from entering into the final victory You have for me. I praise You for what You’re doing now. And I feel Your comfort and strength and love. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
We want to believe for God’s power to go into action for you.
We want to be in a faith agreement with you that you will enter into that final victory. You can have the strength you need. The love. The comfort. So as we put our faith together, we believe for this to come about.
That’s why it’s important for you to share with me right now how you need God to minister to you. What kind of victory do you need in your life? As soon as we hear from you, I will lay my hands on what you share and pray. We believe we will see God’s power go into action for you. Those angels will be all around you to do the bidding of the Father.
So John and I hope to hear from you soon and pray, then we want to send you some words that will come straight from God’s Spirit for your life. Just click here now and it will come directly to us. Jeanne and John Alcott
SPECIAL NOTE: Your giving causes powerful action!
Now I encourage you to take some powerful action for your life today. How? By giving into God’s work. He tells us in His Word that’s what causes action. When your seed goes in the ground, it produces a harvest of people being helped in so many different ways.
Because of your giving, this ministry is able to see the hand of God do miracles, save people, deliver them, and grow them into the mature people they want to be. Oh, but there’s another harvest that He sends also. When you give, He prepares a great harvest for YOUR life. The harvest of blessing and wholeness and accomplishment. (Ref. Malachi 3.)
As you give today, open up your spirit to receive what God has for you. And John and I are right there with you giving into this work to see His miracles happen.
All scriptures are taken from the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition unless otherwise indicated.