Tuesday, January 14, 2025

       We encourage you to read the letter below and hear what God is saying for your life.   We believe the powerful words from God’s Spirit can stir your faith and help you walk into the answers He has for you.  This is a special and personal word that the Lord gives us to send to our Partners.   Every quarter we send out this special ministry letter, and if you would like to receive it through the mail, see below to request the Power Packet which contains this special letter as well as a newsletter, spiritual articles, testimonies, and much more for you.                  Jeanne and John Alcott




John and I are having a powerful time of prayer over you and your family and friends.  To ensure you don’t miss this, send your prayer requests and if possible photos of yourself and others.  We will pray over them and bind the devil’s works against you and loose God’s power so His plans for you can be fulfilled.  The Lord says in His word that He will be there as we come together for this.  So don’t miss this anointed time.  Also, in this letter we have some tools to help your life.

Dear Partner,  


       Are you taking advantage and using one of the greatest powers God has given you? 

     Are you seeing the tremendous miracles and victories that can be won by using this?

     I’m talking about where God says in His Word that you can BIND what is wrong and remove its hold on your life, and you can LOOSE what is good into your life.

     Jesus said in Matthew 18, Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.  Then He goes on to say that as we come together as believers and agree in prayer, whatsoever we desire, it shall be given to us by the Father in heaven.  Why do we have so much power when we come together? 
Because Jesus says, When two or three of you are together because of Me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.  (Ref. Matthew 18:18-20 MSG.)

     So here’s the picture.  We come together as believers and power is ignited.  That’s because as we come together for the purpose of doing God’s will, we can be sure He is present.  He’s present to fulfill what we speak according to His will.

     Do you have conditions in your life that feel as if they have you bound in some way?  God wants you to know that you can become loosed from them.  He doesn’t want you to accept that you must exist with certain conditions or disappointments.  You can see loosed into your life the miracles and goodness God has for you.

     So how does this happen?  What can you do to remove a hold that’s on something?
     How can you remove a hold on your finances so they can grow?
     Take off a hold on your health so it can become better.
     Stop the control that’s on a relationship or a neighbor situation.
     Break off what’s holding back your promotion or your gifts and talents.
     Eliminate what is delaying a decision for which you’ve been waiting.
     Be able to go forward into what you desire.

     God’s Word tells us that we can see every hold broken.  We have the power to become loosed from it.  Listen to this: we’re not bound, but we are the ones who bind.  And we are the ones who can cause something good to be loosed.  That’s what God’s Word says in Matthew 18.  It’s one of the most powerful scriptures in the New Testament.  BUT ARE WE USING IT?  Are we taking that authority and privilege God has given us and using it to bind and to loose?

     When we bind something—which means we forbid it from happening because it’s improper—when we bind that, it’s already bound in heaven so we’re just saying what God has already done.  Therefore!  That can now be accomplished on earth.  The same is true for loosing something.  When we say something must become loosed according to God’s will in heaven, then it’s now permitted on earth.  So the bottom line is we can bind what isn’t of God that has come upon us or someone else.  Then we can loose the answers from God.  That’s when the hold is broken and God’s miracles are released.

     Now, can we just go around binding and loosing whatever we see?  No, it has to be according to God’s will.  That scripture says if it’s approved in heaven, then it’s approved to happen on earth.

Okay, so what is approved in heaven for you?

      I’ll tell you.  Your freedom, your deliverance, your prosperity, and your spiritual growth are approved to happen.  In heaven God has already approved your blessing and promotion and discipline and goodness, along with answers, miracles, great and wonderful events.  Because those are already in heaven for you, as you loose those here on earth, you’re simply breaking the hold that is stopping them and you are loosing them into your life.


     We want to be using this power and privilege from God because this is such a powerful tool.  God has given us by which we can see His will done.

     For instance, a father called us about his son who had become involved in some “anti-Christian stuff” (that’s the way he put it).  Well, we’ve seen people become involved in wrong kind of thinking that is against God’s ways.  Satan is working so hard to convince people that Christianity
isn’t the answer.  In fact, he goes so far as to make people believe that if they become a Christian and believe in God, they will be bound.  Their freedoms will be taken.  How many times do we hear that?  He always tries to convince us of the opposite of what is true.  Just remember that.  Satan’s ideas and words are always opposite of what is true.

      So he’s working hard in this world to convince people they will become bound and their freedoms be taken if they believe in God and accept Jesus Christ.  The very opposite of what truly will happen.  As they accept the way of the world, they become bound.  Their freedoms are taken and they are controlled and held by the suggestions of Satan.  He spews out his propaganda and they swallow it.

     When this father saw this happening to his son, it was grieving his heart.  The son was saying all the wrong words and this father knew he was believing wrong.  He could see the hold that was coming upon him because of how the enemy was controlling his thoughts and words.  He wouldn’t talk about Christ.  What he said was anti-Christian propaganda, which is going around right now.

     I know it can be heartbreaking to see a family member or friend who is deceived and for some reason they start walking away from the Lord.  It’s as if you stand there with your arms outstretched saying, “Please, please don’t walk away.  Come back to God.”  But they can’t hear you.  They’ve shut their spirit to being able to hear and see the right way.

     So the father called us to pray and intercede by his side for this son.  We all began to believe God would send people across his path and that he would hear them even if he wouldn’t listen to his father.  This is something I always pray when people ask me to pray for loved ones.  I pray for the hold to be broken and for God’s forces to surround this person and work to influence them.  To send the right people across their path.

     What I’m doing is binding those wrong thoughts and people from influencing that person.  Those are bound in heaven and I am binding them on earth, therefore God’s Word can come to pass.  Then truth and freedom and power become loosed into their life.  This is the binding and the loosing process.  And it works!

      As we were doing this for this son, great events began to happen in the spiritual realm.  Conditions were changing.  That’s what happens when you bind and you loose.  It creates activity spiritually.  Conditions begin to change.



     The next thing we knew, the father said the son called him and he was talking differently!  Oh, that’s such good news.  No more was the father hearing the anti-Christian talk.  But this young man was talking about Jesus!  The father said that he was so happy with the conversation he had with his son.  He said he has straightened out and he doesn’t hear anti-Christian propaganda from him anymore.  What’s happened?  We broke the hold on the son.  You know what else we did?  The son became loosed to hear the truth of God for him.

     The father ends his praise report to us by saying, “Every time I pray with the ministry, I call back in a few weeks because it’s so strong praying with you guys.  Praying with you is really a blessing.”

     You see, as we come together, what that scripture promised can happen.  Remember Jesus said, When two or three of you are together because of Me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.  You can be sure that because John and I were together in prayer with that father, Jesus Christ was right there.  So when we start binding, His power goes forth to bind what’s wrong.  And when we start saying something will become loosed, His power is right there to loose it.  The hold is broken and the power of Jesus Christ is released.

     So what do you need to see bound in your life and what good things do you need to see loosed into your life?  If you will come together with us in prayer, Jesus Christ will be right there!  Think of that!  We’re coming together and we can be sure that the power of Almighty God will be there to respond to our prayer.  We must not lose this opportunity to get something off your life that you don’t want—and get what you do want to come into your life.

     We also don’t want to miss the opportunity to do this for your loved ones.  We can bring them before God just as we prayed for that father’s son and saw a miraculous turnaround.  The holidays are coming up and it’s a good time for you to see your friends and loved ones come to the Lord, or if they are already a believer, but they need to see God move in their life in some way to be healed or blessed or helped, then this is a very anointed critical time that you can see this happen.

     So here’s what we’ll do!  We’re going to have a binding and loosing prayer time.  John and I are going to come together with you as soon as we hear from you.  Click here now as to share with us about your life so we can pray.  We will bind out of your life what you don’t want to be a part of it anymore.  Then we will loose into your life what you desire from God.  We’ll do the same for your friends and loved ones.

Please send photos!

If at all possible send us photos of yourself and of the loved ones and friends for whom you want us to pray.  We’re going to lay our hands on these photos as a faith contact.  It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.  Just print off a photo from your phone, or if you already have a photo and want to send it, that’s great.  Make a copy of it because we won’t be able to return it.  We’re going to be keeping these and praying over them.  We will lay our hands on them as a faith contact and pray so that the works of the devil are bound in their life and the works of God are loosed upon them in a great way.


     Here are two great tools you can use to help your life and your family and friends walk in the plans God has for you.

     God inspired me to write prayers using His Word to pray over yourself and those you love.  It’s so powerful to speak the Word of God over you.  These prayers are packed full of the Word of God that can have the power to change conditions.  As you speak them out over you and others, you can expect the
power of God to bind the bad and loose the good into your lives.

    Another very good tool you can use in order to walk in the plans God has for you and your loved ones and friends is to get this puzzle!  When you put this puzzle together you’re going to see the most beautiful mountain and lake scene, but most importantly, right in the center of it, you will see the great promise from God that says, “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.”  Praise God!


     Oh, God has such wonderful plans for you and for those you love.  In that verse in Jeremiah 29 the Lord says His “thoughts and plans are for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.”  Another version says He has “plans to give you the future you hope for.”

     That word on this puzzle changes your whole outlook!  It gives hope and encouragement.  It shows you that God is planning good things for you.  Let this puzzle be the beginning of seeing those plans come together as you feel the Spirit of God moving through His Word.

     It’s a great message to help and encourage you and those that will help you put together the puzzle.  It also is a great talking point so if you want to start talking about the Lord to someone, you can do it as you’re putting together this puzzle.  Sit down with your family or friends and believe for the Spirit of God to move in a wonderful way.  You can also use it as a tool to witness to those who don’t know the Lord.

     This 500-piece puzzle comes with the prayer and is available for a gift of $15 to help with the work we’re doing in this ministry for God.  Click here now to request the puzzle and prayer!


     Also to help you record the good plans that God is going to fulfill for you in the coming year, we want to send you a great planning calendar for 2025.  This is a wall calendar that has big inspirational and beautiful nature scenes.  Then under each picture is a scripture to help you experience the power of God’s Word each month.  For instance, the scripture for October is, “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”  Psalm 16:8.  It’s called the Religious Inspirations calendar.  (When it’s open, the size is 18 ½ by 11.  When it’s closed, the size is 10 ¼ x 11.)  It is spiral-bound so it’s very easy to use.  This calendar is available for a gift of $12 by clicking here!

     I really encourage you to give into God’s work.  I know finances can be tight for some people.  But the greatest thing we can do to loose finances to come to us from God is to give into His work.  He promises in Malachi that when we give to Him, He will open the windows of heaven and drop into our lives the blessings that we need in so many different ways.  So believe for that to happen as you join John and me as we give into Alcott Ministries by clicking here.

     So share with us right away what is holding something in your life and you want to see the power and miracles of God be loosed for you and your friends and loved ones.  As soon as you tell us this, we’ll begin to pray by the power of God for what He has for you.  John and I are here waiting to hear from you!  We are your friends and…

     Your Partners in Prayer,

     Jeanne and John Alcott


 SEND your requests so we can pray over you.  Remember as we come together Jesus promises to be, right there where we are.  We’re going to bind those things off your life that you don’t want.  And we’re going to loose the good things that God has for you into your life.

 MAIL a photo of yourself so we can touch it as a faith contact.  Also send photos of your loved ones and friends for whom you want prayer.  We’ll keep them to pray over.  Be sure to request the written prayers that God inspired me to write so you have His Word to pray over them.

 GET the puzzle that has a promise from God on it.  “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord!”  As you put this puzzle together, you can feel the promise of God coming into your life.  It’s also great to use over the holidays to put together with family members and friends so you can witness to them about the plans God has for them.

 DON’T FORGET to get your 2025 planning calendar.  This has beautiful nature scenes and scriptures so you can have the Word of God in your life each month.  It’s called the Religious Inspirations calendar.

 BELIEVE that the blessings of God will come into every area of your life as you give a gift into His work so His Word can go into this world to change lives.



Power Prayer Line

(918) 459-9191


If you need prayer, contact
Alcott Ministries for a representative who will pray
with you or take your requests for products.

                                     Stomach Issues Gone.
“Thank you for all of your prayers.  My health is much improved.  My stomach issues have resolved!  Praise be to God!”


                               Two Raises and a Gift Card.

"Praise be to God for His goodness.  So much has been happening.  Since the last time I wrote to you, God has blessed me to get two raises on my job.  [Also] on my job they pulled names for gifts at our workers appreciation day, and I won a VISA gift card which I had never won before.  I truly thank God for winning that.  I do appreciate you all being there for me, standing in agreement with me and in prayer for my family and me.  Here's my offering.  I name this seed God's provision and financial breakthrough."

                                Son in Prison Accepts Christ.  

“Dear Jeanne and John, a praise came to me when I was talking to my son in prison.  He said, ‘I believe in God and Jesus Christ.'”

                                   Gum Infection Healed.  

“My gum infection is healed.  Thank you so much for your prayers!”

                                      Marriage Helped.  

“I have seven people that I gave your book to.  One of them said, ‘Enjoying reading the book.  There are some days the book just talks to me.’  [Another friend] was ready to run away before she started the book.  Now she is staying [with her husband].”

                           Off Drugs and Going on Missions.  

“I was on drugs for years and have been sober six years.  I am living a wonderful life now in Jesus.  I asked you to pray for me about being a missionary.  Well [this summer] I am going to Guatemala with my church for a week!  Thank you so much.”

       Click here to request Jeanne Alcott’s teachings to be sent to you each month—four CDs a month for a pledge of $30 a month.  Hear the encouragement, comfort, and teaching God wants to send into your life.


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Be at Full-Power!
five-part message
Jeanne Alcott
Jan 13-17

  God has given you power for your life.  Now it's up to you to connect to it and operate at full-power.  That's when you can follow in His ways and operate in your gifts and see greater miracles and blessings for you and others.  Allow God to impart to you a deeper understanding and revelation of the spiritual power you receive from Him.
I.    Run at Top Speed.
II.   Allow the Lion To Lead You.
III.  Crush It. 
IV.  Walk in Blessing. 
V.   Be Strong in the Shakedown.  
  Click to Browse Store


Get your copy of
the Jan-Mar
newsletter filled
with inspirational
articles and great
information for
your life.
This is our gift to you, so click
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packet today!