Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Ministry Vision of John and Jeanne Alcott is to bring God's power into people's lives to help empower them to live in His ways and see their needs met.



As cofounder of Alcott Ministries, Jeanne Alcott has taught and ministered on radio for over fourteen years through her daily broadcast, Word of Power. She helps people live in God's power and walk in His ways by sharing the Word of God as well as through personal prayer and printed materials. She communicates God's heart to others through teaching and writing to inspire them to receive and accomplish all God has for them.

Jeanne is an ordained minister, graduated from Oral Roberts University and holds a Masters degree from the University of Tulsa. After working for a world-renowned ministry as a Vice President, Jeanne and her husband, John, began Alcott Ministries in Oklahoma. They have been married since 1977.



Although John Alcott works full-time for a company as an Information Technology Manager, he also puts in many hours into Alcott Ministries in the evenings and weekends. John edits the radio broadcast, manages the finances, and helps with other administrative responsibilities. He is a graduate of Oral Roberts University and obtained a Masters degree from the University of Tulsa.

John has a passion for helping others realize and utilize the gifts within them and fulfill the vision for their lives and has taught seminars on these subjects in churches and organizations. For many years, he has researched natural methods for obtaining optimum health and loves to share his personal experiences with others.

In addition, he has trained hundreds of people in door-to-door evangelism and in the past has led Angel Tree Ministry at a large interdenominational church. John was born in Oklahoma and is ordained.



Trust When It Hurts!
five-part message
Jeanne Alcott
Feb 3-7



There is a new level of trust that God is showing you.  Trust when it hurts, when you don't understand what God is doing.  That can bring you to the place where you will be in a deeper walk in Him and see Him do greater miracles.   You can’t do those things for yourself, but the power of trusting is what will change everything.  There is so much POWER in trusting when it hurts.  See what God is saying about this for your life.
I.    Nothing Being Too Much.
II.   Darkness Turns to Light.
III.  Uncomfortable Conditions
IV.  It Happens When
        It Couldn’t. 
V.   Yielding to God’s Timing.     

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newsletter filled
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This is our gift to you, so click
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Power Prayer Line

(918) 459-9191


If you need prayer, contact
Alcott Ministries for a representative who will pray
with you or take your requests for products.

                                     Stomach Issues Gone.
“Thank you for all of your prayers.  My health is much improved.  My stomach issues have resolved!  Praise be to God!”


                               Two Raises and a Gift Card.

"Praise be to God for His goodness.  So much has been happening.  Since the last time I wrote to you, God has blessed me to get two raises on my job.  [Also] on my job they pulled names for gifts at our workers appreciation day, and I won a VISA gift card which I had never won before.  I truly thank God for winning that.  I do appreciate you all being there for me, standing in agreement with me and in prayer for my family and me.  Here's my offering.  I name this seed God's provision and financial breakthrough."

                                Son in Prison Accepts Christ.  

“Dear Jeanne and John, a praise came to me when I was talking to my son in prison.  He said, ‘I believe in God and Jesus Christ.'”

                                   Gum Infection Healed.  

“My gum infection is healed.  Thank you so much for your prayers!”

                                      Marriage Helped.  

“I have seven people that I gave your book to.  One of them said, ‘Enjoying reading the book.  There are some days the book just talks to me.’  [Another friend] was ready to run away before she started the book.  Now she is staying [with her husband].”

                           Off Drugs and Going on Missions.  

“I was on drugs for years and have been sober six years.  I am living a wonderful life now in Jesus.  I asked you to pray for me about being a missionary.  Well [this summer] I am going to Guatemala with my church for a week!  Thank you so much.”

       Click here to request Jeanne Alcott’s teachings to be sent to you each month—four CDs a month for a pledge of $30 a month.  Hear the encouragement, comfort, and teaching God wants to send into your life.


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