Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Ministry Vision of John and Jeanne Alcott is to bring God's power into people's lives to help empower them to live in His ways and experience all the blessings, help, and growth God has for them.


We want to share this inside report of Alcott Ministries with you, our friend and Partner. Alcott Ministries is growing and ministering to thousands of people like you. This year we completed 12 years of full-time daily radio broadcasting! That's 260 broadcasts a year for 12 years and that translates to 3,100 broadcasts and counting!

We are celebrating God's amazing work. During that time, listeners
have heard life-changing
radio broadcasts in Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Ohio, Virginia, Houston, Chicago, all of southern California including Los Angeles, and San Diego.  In 2014, we have approximately 1,000,000 more potential listeners through increased area coverage in Virginia.

We also reach out to many people through our newsletters and we also answer each call, letter, and Web response that we receive. Jeanne and I spend much time in prayer for our Partners. We provide a Web site to minister to all those who visit, and we share a devotional word from the heart of God each week. Many people are helped through books as well as spiritual and timely articles provided by the ministry.


Just over $101,000 in donations was received in the most recent complete fiscal year!


The largest expense of this ministry is radio airtime and mail ministry. We are able to keep our labor costs to a minimum. Just a few years ago, Jeanne began receiving a salary. She currently is being paid $700 per month with no benefits, and she puts a tremendous amount of hours into this work. Our personal donations into the ministry more than cover Jeanne's salary so no partner donations go toward this. I take zero dollars per month in salary for the approximately 20-30 hours a week I spend on ministry work. Because I work an outside job, we are able to use personal resources to cover our living expenses and furnish office space and utilities for the ministry. We currently have part-time employees who help approximately ten hours total a week. We work diligently at keeping costs to a minimum.
We very conservatively estimate that for every $1 given into this ministry a minimum of 100 people hear one broadcast.
That means a $30 gift enables at least 3,000 people to hear the broadcast one time, and a $50 gift enables 5,000 people to hear it one time. Just think of the impact you can make in people's lives through your donations to Alcott Ministries! I welcome your call at 281-761-5060 if you have any detailed questions about the ministry's finances. Also you can go to for charitable organization information on Alcott Ministries.


We believe God's hand is on each powerful teaching and all we are doing for Him. You are a part of that! If you desire in a greater way to help us continue ministering to those people whom God is touching and also to help us take advantage of the expansion opportunities He brings to go on more radio stations and to print materials, you can click here to donate or call 918-459-9191 or write to Jeanne and me at Alcott Ministries, PO Box 3400, Broken Arrow, OK 74013. No investment is better for the lives of others and for your own life than to give into the hands of God! The one who sows generously so that blessings may come to someone else will also reap generously and with blessings. (See II Corinthians 9:6.) God bless!      John Alcott


five-part CD
by Jeanne
  Aug 24 - 28, 2015

When you became a Christian, that just started your hunger for more of God.  Filling your spiritual hunger is vital to your growth and well-being and the fulfillment of your life.  So...
I.   Take No Substitutes!
II.  Seek Satisfaction!
III. Rock the Boat!
IV. Don’t Deny Your Hunger!
V.  Do Something About It!

Click to Browse Store
Get your copy of
the July-Sept
Newsletter. Filled
with inspirational
articles and great
information for
your life.
This is our gift to you, so click
here to request your powerful
packet today!
Power Prayer Line

(918) 459-9191


If you need prayer, contact
Alcott Ministries for a representative who will pray
with you or take your requests for products.

“Your prayers, words, and encouragement and weekly broadcast mean more to me than I could ever tell you in words.  Keep speaking the words of life; people are listening and being blessed.  I have completed my first year at college and will be returning in September for my second year….  Your programs have come alongside me and girded me as I walked through times during the past year.  By the Lord’s grace, I made straight A’s.  I told you last year that I was going to attend school regardless of the circumstances, and God brought me through.  Thanks for your agreement in prayer.”

“I used to write you from prison.  I got out and I’m so glad to find you again.  You may never know how much I loved the way you shared the love of Christ and gave me hope in my greatest time of need, but I’d just like to say thank you soooo much.  You kept me ‘alive’ through your radio broadcast, letters, and prayers like a breath of air to someone drowning.  I trust y’all, and I so appreciate your love and prayers.”

WOP Broadcast

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Partner Ministry Letter
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Partner Meetings

Deeper in the

About Alcott

Inside Report
Alcott Ministries · PO Box 3400 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 · 918-459-9191
Copyright (c) 2015 Alcott Ministries
Power Prayer Line

(918) 459-9191


If you need prayer, contact
Alcott Ministries for a representative who will pray
with you or take your requests for products.

“God continues to bless me so that I can be a blessing to others.  And I am learning to rest in Him in the face of negative circumstances.  This month, my car needed some pretty big ticket work done on it.  But God was talking to me about resting in Him, seek Him first and trust for everything.  Then a big money gift came for Christmas.  I had the money to pay for [the work on my car] and some to bless others and a little left over too!  Praise God! ”

 “Thank you so much for your letter of encouragement!  The Lord has helped me in so many areas of my life that I am so thankful for.  I appreciate your prayers so much because I know they are sincere and God hears and answers.  May you and this ministry be richly richly blessed.” 

“Thank you for my weekly e-mail message.  I am at a pivotal point in my life to make a very important decision and your message came at a very crucial period.  I’ve been struggling to hear God, but I just had to sit quietly in meditation and prayer to make my petition, then His peace covered me like a warm blanket.  Thank you.  I covet your prayers.” 

Sign up to receive Jeanne’s weekly message and prayer to start your week with encouragement and direction from the Lord.  (See the box above to sign up.)

WOP Broadcast

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Resource Products

New Release
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Partner Ministry Letter
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Partner Meetings

Deeper in the

About Alcott

Inside Report
Alcott Ministries · PO Box 3400 Broken Arrow, OK 74013 · 918-459-9191
Copyright (c) 2015 Alcott Ministries