God Wants
More of You!
Sept 2-6
You are wanted! By God. He wants you to go deeper in your relationship with Him. That means to have deeper communication so He can impart greater thoughts and insights to you. The impact on your life will be profound. He can take your life to a higher level in Him. You can access the realm of His Spirit and power more. Let Him show you how you can go deeper in Him and enter into the fullness of what He can mean to every part of your life.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Stay Calm!
Aug 26-30
How can you stay calm when there are so many thoughts going around in your mind. Conversations may be heated or disturbing. Events are unraveling right before you. Conditions are not what you want. When all of that is going higher, how do you keep your emotions from going higher? See how you can stay calm and enter into all the benefits from God when you do.
Stay Calm! In spite of what you’re seeing that is disturbing, remember this: what you see is not the true picture. God has the true picture. As you stay calm in Him, you will see how He is in control and taking care of you. Watch this video and let Him speak to your spirit.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Be Loosed!
Aug 19-23
Whatever has confined or restricted your life, hear God saying to you, "You are loosed!" You can be loosed from those conditions that limit you or take something away from you. God will show you how you can become loosed by His power and experience fulfillment and blessings and all that He has for you.
In just one minute as you watch this video, you can experience how Jesus suffered and carried your pains so you can be loosed from the problems of life. Experience a oneness with Him as you watch this video. Share it with your loved ones and friends who need to hear the story of Jesus.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
God Hears You!
Aug 12-16
As you go throughout the day and you speak to God out of your heart, He does not turn away. You are not ignored or forgotten. He hears you. Then you can rest assured He's responding to what you're saying. He's taking action based on what He hears you say to Him. That's an awesome privilege. Now discover what God will do because He hears you.
Have you ever wondered if God heard you when you called out to Him? He wants you to know that He doesn’t just hear you, but He goes into action in a very powerful way. Watch this video and see what God does when He hears you talking Him out of your heart.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
You're Coming
Out of This!
Aug 5-9
Have you ever faced something and thought, “How in the world am I going to come out of this?” Believe God is showing you that you’re coming out of it. His very miracle power will cause you to emerge from that disappointment or pain or condition. You will emerge into excellence and fulfillment and wholeness and happiness. Learn how you’re coming out of this!
What you’re facing right now may seem to have no way out of it, no answer, nowhere to turn. But God promises He is there with you in it every moment. His miracle power will cause you to emerge into excellence and fulfillment and wholeness and happiness. You’re coming out of it. Let your faith be strengthened as you watch this video, then go to www.AlcottMinistries.org to hear my message on “You’re Coming Out of This!” Jeanne Alcott.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
When I Grow Up...!
July 29-Aug 2
When you were a kid, how many times did an adult ask you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The real mark of maturity is when we come to the place we surrender our desires to God and concentrate on developing and growing to be what He wants us to be. As we continue to grow up, amazing things can happen in our life. Hear what the Spirit wants to say about how when we grow greater in God, it can result in tremendous benefits.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
You'll Do Well!
July 22-26
Have you ever been apprehensive or just a bit uneasy about something you must do? You just weren’t sure how you would do it, or if you could do it. Because of that, you may have decided not to move ahead or gave up an opportunity. But God speaks to your heart words to counteract those thoughts. "You'll do well!" See how He makes this possible in your life!
You are not out there on your own when you step out in faith. God is there to make sure you will do well! YES, you can see your desire happen. You can accomplish it. After you watch this video, go to www.AlcottMinistries.org to hear my message on “You’ll Do Well!” Jeanne Alcott.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Is Your Mind
Set on it?
July 15-19
Your mindset is what your mind is set on. It’s a fixed way of viewing conditions and events. Here’s what is so important about your mindset. In whatever way you are viewing different areas of your life, that will set the course for seeing those go well or not go well. Discover how to make your mind be set on what God has for you and therefore see it fulfilled.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
You Have
Other Options!
July 8-12
Have you ever had someone say to you, “There are no other options”? You’re made to feel as if there isn’t an alternative, no other course of action, no other possibility. That type of news can come to you in many areas of your life. So what can you do at that moment? God’s word to you is this: you have other options! God will demonstrate to you how He will give these to you. So…
At times in our lives we can feel that we’ve run out of options to get the answer we desire. Never! God always has other options He has planned for your life. Watch this video and listen to our teaching on how you can see those options become miracles for you! Jeanne Alcott
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Make the
July 1-5
There comes a time when you have to make a break with something that is interfering with what God wants to do in your life and with what He desires to give to you. See that condition or situation defeated so you can be blessed, and perform at the level you desire, and enjoy your days.
Cut the strings! You’re nobody’s puppet, so cut the strings that try to manipulate your life with fear or disappointment or hurt. Watch this video and see what freedom you can have to accomplish and receive everything God has for you. Then listen to our teaching on how you can make the break in your life. Jeanne Alcott
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Getting Your
Joy Back!
Jun 24-28
Do you have some joy that’s missing? You’re not sure where it went, but you don’t feel it. There are some areas of your life that are discouraging to think about. So it robs you of the joy you could have. God wants to see you filled with joy and that’s why He’s coming to you now. He doesn't want you to miss what He can do for you. Hear how to get your joy back so He can move in your behalf.
Is Your Dream Under Debris! Does it feel as if the dream in your heart has a pile of debris on it and it’s buried? It’s time for you to reconnect with that dream and take off the debris—those things that are stopping it! Allow God to give you the joy you need to see your dream come to pass. Watch this short video, by Jeanne Alcott.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
God Will
Pull It
Jun 17-21
Think about what is having a problem coming together in your life. You don’t understand how all the events can transpire that you must see happen. Or perhaps something is breaking up in front of your eyes. It’s disintegrating. As you believe God to take over, He will pull it together. Hear how you can depend on Him and see it happen.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Gives More
to You!
Jun 10-14
God wants to make sure that you have enough of what you need. And MORE! This is how you need to envision Him. Because if you don’t see Him as a “more” God then you will have “less.” You won’t have enough. Understand that He can provide more, AND more than enough.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
(Part 1): |
He Turns
Small Into
Big. |
(Part 2): |
(Part 3): |
He Has
a Greater
Vision. |
(Part 4): |
He Won't
Outdone. |
(Part 5): |
He Always
Has Extra.
God wants to make sure that you have enough of what you need. And MORE! This is how you need to envision Him. Because if you don’t see Him as a “more” God then you will have “less.” You won’t have enough. After you watch this short video, listen to our teaching on “God Gives More to You” and get a good spiritual foundation to understand the extra He provides for you in every area of your life. Just go to www.AlcottMinistries.org. Jeanne Alcott.
Realm and
Jun 3-7
Before you see anything happen in the physical realm, it was already in progress in the spiritual realm. That is where supernatural activity takes place that affects your life in a tremendous way. As a believer, you have access to and influence over the supernatural. See how you can have a greater awareness of it and experience insight and power beyond what you can experience in the natural realm.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Raised Up
May 27-31
To be raised up by God means you go way above and beyond what you can do on your own. You accomplish more and see greater gifts and manifestations of His power. He doesn’t want His people down or below. See God as the One who has His hand under you, raising you up. You do your part to make the effort and believe and trust Him. Then He can raise you up higher in each area of your life.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
When It Doesn't
Look Good!
May 20-24
Don’t we cringe when we hear the words, “It doesn’t look good”? But instead of focusing on what doesn’t look good, focus on God and His ability to give you a turnaround. When someone says to you, “Well, I’m sorry, but it doesn’t look good,” you can say to yourself, "But a turnaround is coming." So you know the day will come when it WILL BE good. See how God can give you a turnaround.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
(Part 1): |
Win the
Half. |
(Part 2): |
(Part 3): |
Not on
Your Own. |
(Part 4): |
Go on
Offensive. |
(Part 5): |
There comes a time when you have to stand against the winds of problems and say, “Not today!” Let them see how tough you are in God, for He HAS made you tough. Watch this video and then listen to my audio teaching on discovering how tough you are and the benefits of what you can achieve and receive because of that. Just go to www.AlcottMinistries.org. Jeanne Alcott.
How Tough
You Are!
May 13-17
When something hard happens that knocks you back, you may not feel tough at all. But God has built toughness in you so you can endure and win over all conditions. Hear how to develop that powerful benefit God has given you so you can see victories and the desires of your heart come to pass.
There comes a time when you have to stand against the winds of problems and say, “Not today!” Let them see how tough you are in God, for He HAS made you tough. Watch this video and then listen to my audio teaching on discovering how tough you are and the benefits of what you can achieve and receive because of that. Just go to www.AlcottMinistries.org. Jeanne Alcott.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Change the
Future by
May 6-10
Have you ever thought about how much the future could be changed just by being kind to someone? We usually don’t think of kindness as having much power, and yet God’s Word shows us how He empowers those who operate in kindness. When we step out and give compassion and consideration to others, when we’re thoughtful toward them, that releases spiritual power from God’s hands. He honors and rewards that. Without having consideration for each other, we cannot live in the fullness of what is good in life. See how you can affect your future and others' future by the power of kindness.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
You Have
April 29—May 3
You may not realize that you have more possibilities. There are greater events that can happen for you. Even if what you’re viewing right now seems to have no possibilities of getting better or improving, make sure you see it God’s way. He sees amazing potential for what you desire. You’re not at a dead end. You’re not to the point that dream never can come to pass. Let God show you the possibilities He has for you.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Try Again!
April 22-26
Have you asked yourself, “Should I try again?” You think, "I’ve done this so many times. I’ve tried. And it isn’t working out. I’m not getting what I desire. So should I even try again?" Because it hasn’t been accomplished, you're fighting frustration or fear or intimidation or just downright exhaustion. You’re tired of trying. So should you try again? The Spirit of God is going to answer that question in your heart.
What should you do when you’ve tried to get what you desire and it isn’t working? Is it worth it to try again? The Spirit of God wants to answer that question in your heart and guide you into what He has for you. Watch this short video that’s less than a minute, then hear my teaching “Try Again?” at AlcottMinistries.org! Jeanne Alcott.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
New Fire!
April 15-19
When you receive new spiritual fire in your spirit from God, you have greater passion in your life and it will ignite something in you. That spark of His Spirit will enable you to have the drive to see the things of God done. You will have new spiritual energy, new understanding and anointing. He wants you to see a greater manifestation of Him. Now see what this means for your life every day.
Receive new spiritual fire! God’s anointing and power and passion. See what happens when you receive new fire into your spirit! Watch this short video that’s less than a minute, then hear my teaching “Receive New Fire!” at www.AlcottMinistries.org! Jeanne Alcott.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Your March
to Victory!
April 8-12
Don’t see yourself as just getting by or having to give up what you want in your life. There are some victories that are waiting for you to win. God wants you to see yourself as a marcher. One who is marching strong into success. You are on your march to victory. A march of victory means that you’re going right into the great plans of God. God is going to show you how to make your march to victory.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Don't Stop
Until You're
April 1-5
If you want to accomplish what’s in your heart and see something fulfilled, don’t stop until you’re done. It’s that perseverance, that determination, the I’m-going-to-do-this-no-matter-what type of attitude that will get you there. Discover in this message how you can complete what you’re doing. You can retrieve what you’re after. Don’t feel that anything can stop you from finishing what you started.
Your labor is not in vain! It is producing even when you cannot see it. So don’t stop until you’re done. God wants to infuse your spirit with encouragement and strength as you hear this teaching, “Don’t Stop Until You’re Done!” Watch this 50-second video and then hear my teaching at www.AlcottMinistries.org! Jeanne Alcott.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Part 1: |
OASIS Interview
Jeanne & John. |
Part 2: |
OASIS Interview
Jeanne & John. |
Part 3: |
OASIS Interview
Jeanne & John. |
Part 4: |
OASIS Interview
Jeanne & John. |