Stop It!
Mar 3-7
A powerful force is working in your life. It's a movement from God to accomplish His will for you. But there are other forces working to accomplish the opposite. So you must believe that nothing can stop what God has for you as you have faith. Be convinced that His force is greater than the one trying to stop what you desire.
I. See the Results In Spite Of.
II. Receive the
Planned Blessing.
III. Break the Barrier.
IV. Don’t Be Denied.
V. Go Past Humble
Go At It
and Again!
Feb 24-28
God has a way for you to see conditions improve and overcome them. But it’s going to require this from you. That you go at it again and again. That means instead of submitting to what’s happened and stopping your advancement, you don’t back down, abandon what is yours, ditch the effort, or scrap the project or the desire. You’re going to have what God intends for your life because you're going to see how you can go at it again until you win.
I. Get Past the Rough Spot.
II. Watch for the Turning Point.
III. Resolve There Is No Retreat.
IV. Finish With Help.
V. See It No More.
Get Rid
Feb 17-21
Are you experiencing some kind of distress from thoughts and emotions you have? Those thoughts and emotions are actually plaguing you, inflicting pain. It feels terrible to be tormented that way. Believe you are going to get rid of it! See how you can change your thoughts to be a plus and work for you in a positive way. Reach out for the enjoyable and good promises God has for your life.
I. Don’t Replay It.
II. Get Free From the Trap.
III. Treat Yourself Like
Someone Else.
IV. Be Renewed.
V. Believe You’re Better.
Feb 10-14
Have you any idea how much God is pursuing you? That means He follows you, He goes after you, He even chases you. His intent is to pursue you to show you His heart toward you. He isn’t satisfied just to be on the outskirts of your life, or to be just a part of your life. He is your very life. He wants you to engage with Him in mutual love and consideration and honor and the enjoyment of your relationship. See the different ways God is coming after you with what He has for you.
I. Pursued by God’s Presence.
II. Pursued by God’s Power.
III. Pursued by God’s Patience.
IV. Pursued by God’s Protection.
V. Pursued by God’s Passion.
When It
Feb 3-7
There is a new level of trust that God is showing you. Trust when it hurts, when you don't understand what God is doing. That can bring you to the place where you will be in a deeper walk in Him and see Him do greater miracles. You can’t do those things for yourself, but the power of trusting is what will change everything. There is so much POWER in trusting when it hurts. See what God is saying about this for your life.
I. Nothing Being Too Much.
II. Darkness Turns to Light.
III. Uncomfortable Conditions
IV. It Happens When
It Couldn’t.
V. Yielding to God’s Timing.
Great in the
Jan 27-31
God has something great in the making for you. In spite of what you don’t see happening, something great IS happening. Now, how do you keep from missing it? You must reach out to receive it. God wants your faith to be as a physical hand that reaches into the spiritual realm and takes the great things He has for you. So why don’t we do that sometimes? It’s because we can’t see what’s in the making for us. Discover how to make sure you receive what's in the making for you from God.
I. See Your Victory as Done.
II. See What’s on the Way.
III. See Your Selfie as Good.
IV. See It Come Into Focus.
V. See What Is Yours.
Hold Onto
Your Peace!
Jan 20-24
Without peace, life can be miserable. Not to mention how without peace, our conditions cannot change. So God wants to show you how you can hold onto the gift of peace He has given to you. With it, you can have the mental resources and physical energy and spiritual depth to receive the victories and accomplishments planned for you. See what you can do to have peace in the midst of trials and be able to conquer challenges.
Be at
Jan 13-17
God has given you power for your life. Now it's up to you to connect to it and operate at full-power. That's when you can follow in His ways and operate in your gifts and see greater miracles and blessings for you and others. Allow God to impart to you a deeper understanding and revelation of the spiritual power you receive from Him.
Not Until
God Says So!
Jan 6-10
Something may appear to be finished and a failure. It's over. Nothing can be done. But God says, "It isn't finished until I have spoken." It may seem it’s all over but not until God says so. And He says it isn't finished until there is victory in your life. See how when it seems finished, God is still moving for you.
I. It Isn’t Over for You.
II. There’s Always a Way.
III. The Fight Is to the Finish.
IV. You Will Be Proven Out.
V. There Is Hope for Rescue.

Dec 30-Jan 3
There may be some conditions around you that have been the same for a while. It seems you can’t bear looking at something one more day or you can’t bear not seeing your desire. But keep watching. God's Spirit is sending new answers, new ways, a different result. Now, discover what you must do so you can receive that "something new" from God. To receive something new, you must do something new. God is moving in your life right now and you don't want to miss what He can do!
You Need!
Dec 23-27
You know how it is to feel that you don’t have what you need. God wants you to know that He has everything you need. So in this message He’s going to show you the different facets of your life and how He is working in them to supply what you must have as you believe. God is aware of every need and as you talk to Him about it and express your heart’s desire, He can intervene and fill the requirement even when it appears there isn’t anything around you that is going to meet the need. He gives you what you need…
I. To Flourish in the Desert.
II. To Have Dreams Fulfilled.
III. To Have Hope Born.
IV. To Make It Work.
V. To Overcome the Challenge.
Your Future
Is in God's
Dec 16-20
It may be difficult to trust God with your future, because so much of it is unknown. But He knows the beginning and the end to everything about your life. Your future is in His hands as you ask for His guidance, protection, and nurturing. Hear how when you have faith in Him and trust Him with the days to come, He will direct you to the best ending for every situation.

Don’t see your days ahead as full of disappointment. In spite of what you see, remember that every one of your future days is in the hands of God. What does He have planned? This is what He wants to reveal to you. There are so many good plans waiting for you. Watch this video!
and Win!
Dec 9-13
Some people think that to endure something means you just hang on and hope you can stand it until the bad time is over. But God indicates in His Word that endurance isn't just hanging on. The one who endures WINS. You gain something because you endure. See how endurance isn’t just the willingness to tolerate something hard, but it is the way to your victory.

The winds of trials and difficulties are going to blow. They’re a part of life. But God has made you strong and able to keep moving when the winds are blowing. You’re going forward. Always remember this: the winds can’t blow forever. You will endure and win over them. Watch this video and then I encourage you to listen to my message, “Endure and Win. Jeanne Alcott
The Best
of You!
Dec 2-6
God wants you to have the best of everything His Spirit has to offer. Don't allow a trial or need get the best of you. Instead, receive and be the best of what God has for you. Prevent anything from having control of your life or causing you to be disappointed. You can have the best.
It's Turning
for You!
Nov 25-29
You may be dealing with disappointment in the way things are going. It seems that all you are experiencing is no progress. No change. That can turn as you have faith. The wheels will turn a different direction. This is a critical time for you when God is about to show you how events and circumstances can turn in your favor. There's going to be a development for the good as you believe.

The time for the hurt in your life to be over is now! You can receive wholeness and have joy and peace restored. Blessings and provision and love will come. Every kind of wound that has come to you in any area of your life can be healed. Events and conditions can turn for you. Allow God to minister to you as you watch this video and then hear how you can see things turn for your life by listening to my teaching, “It’s Turning for You!” Jeanne Alcott
It's Meant
To Be!
Nov 18-22
There are certain events and conditions and people that are meant to be for your life. They are ordained. God has specific relationships and responsibilities and blessings and anointing for you. It’s up to you to make the choice if you will take what He’s prepared. See how you can follow the anointing He has on you and enter into the greatest fulfillment and success.

Before you can see produced what you desire, it has to go through a cocoon process. While you’re waiting, your faith is producing a miracle that will burst forth one day. God has ordained it. It’s meant to be for your life. Let this video inspire you to see your miracle happen. Then I encourage you to hear my teaching to hear all that God has ordained for your life. Jeanne Alcott.
New Day,
New Way!
Nov 11-15
Someone once said we can alter our life if we alter our attitude. Your attitudes are very important to God. That's because He knows how much power there is in them to determine the victory or defeat of much in your life. See how you can have the attitude each morning that this is a new day and God has a new way for me to accomplish and receive what I need. Then see what happens!

Your attitude each day is so powerful. It can move you toward your desires in life or away from them. See how you can have the attitude each morning that this is a new day and God has a new way for me to accomplish and receive what I need. Then see what happens! Watch this video! Jeanne Alcott.
Get to the
Other Side!
Nov 4-8
God wants you to see what is on the other side of your challenge. It's good and it's just what you need. You can get to the other side of the storm or difficulty, to the other side of waiting for what you desire. You can cross over from where you are to where you want to be. Let Him show you how to experience the blessings, miracles, and the calling He has for your life.
Oct 28 - Nov 1
God wants you to live relaxed inside yourself. Instead of being tense and apprehensive, you can have trust in your heart so you relax in your spirit. You’re at rest. You don't stress over issues, because you have complete trust God is taking care of them. You’re rested and at peace on the inside. Find out how you can live this way with trust.
Spread Your
and Soar!
October 21-25
Isaiah 40 says those who wait upon God can spread their wings and soar as eagles. But what does it mean to soar? It means that when you come to Him, He can cause you to rise up on the inside and go on to experience greater things. You soar by His Spirit. Don't stay on the ground and be restricted but believe that what the Lord has put in your heart can be done.

There is so much God wants you to experience. Wonderful and good and amazing events for your life. But to experience those, you have to learn how to soar. Soar above and beyond where you are now in your thinking, in your spirit, and in your faith. Be inspired to do that as you watch this video, and then learn in this teaching how you can spread your wings and soar.
Oct 14-18
God is reassuring you that you are never alone. In spite of what person walks away, or what doesn’t show up, still you’re never alone. God’s Spirit is always hovering over you and is inside you to empower you. He’s there to comfort and strengthen and encourage you. God isn't just with you, His resources are also working for you.

Ever feel alone when you’re in the midst of tough conditions? You don’t have the help you need? God wants to speak to your spirit today and reassure you that His Spirit is hovering over you as you watch this video. He’s there to strengthen, encourage, and provide for you. Listen to my teaching, “You’re Never Alone!” Jeanne Alcott.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Get Off
Oct 7-11
God can arrange it so a problem won’t continue, a disappointment won’t go too deep, a trial can’t go all the way. His Spirit can help you get off easy so you don’t feel the full impact of what’s happening. The devil cannot go the full extent he wanted to go to mess up or harm or trouble something in your life. See how you can get off easy by God's help.
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Word of Power Archive Teachings
Part 1: |
OASIS Interview
Jeanne & John. |
Part 2: |
OASIS Interview
Jeanne & John. |
Part 3: |
OASIS Interview
Jeanne & John. |
Part 4: |
OASIS Interview
Jeanne & John. |