Friday, March 14, 2025

As we desire to help you receive and achieve all God has for you, our Weekly Word of Power and Prayer devotional will empower you this hour, this day, and for the week. Join Jeanne as she brings these truths for your life from God’s Word and the Spiritual Powerline and Prayer to say out loud!!

Week of March 10, 2025


  to Common

     When you have a need that doesn’t seem to have an answer, believe God for an uncommon answer to it.  Believe you can do and have what is uncommon because you serve an uncommon God and you have His favor.

     That will make a big difference in your day.  When you start believing that you can see the uncommon happen for you, then you won’t get so frustrated when details of the day don’t go right.  Or you’re facing a big challenge.  Or you’re in pain.

     You won’t stop at accepting the normal amount of what you can have and see in your life.  You’ll realize that because you have the favor of God, Oh wow, something uncommon is going to happen.  You can say that to yourself as the day goes on.  Something uncommon is going to happen to me.  And it will be great.

     Just think about the man Peter in the Bible and how he saw that happen.  When he followed Jesus and became an apostle, he saw uncommon miracles happen as he prayed for people.  Some great stories.  But what about the common needs he had and what happened.

     There’s one story about the taxes Peter had to pay.  We can all relate to that in April of each year when our taxes are due.  Peter’s taxes were due and had not been paid.  It was the amount that was required of every Jew who was twenty years old and above.  They had to pay a tax of half a shekel to help support the temple.

     So when Jesus and Peter arrived in Capernaum from their travels, tax collectors caught up with Peter.  They knew Jesus and he had not paid yet.  So they began to question him.

     They were trying to say that Jesus, who of course was controversial among the Jews, wasn’t paying His taxes.  So therefore, He wasn’t keeping the Law.  This could get both of them in trouble.  They said to Peter, Does your teacher pay taxes?  And he responded, Of course.  (Ref. Matthew 17:24, 25 MSG.)

     He was defending Jesus and himself.  But I wonder what he was thinking.  Was he concerned?  Was he embarrassed?  Or was he just standing firm knowing that however God wanted to provide, He would.  He didn’t have to worry because he had the favor of God.  That’s when the uncommon began to operate for him.

     You know Satan is always trying to confront you to prove that because you don’t have the answer or the provision, your God can’t do it.  So there are times we have to stand in our belief that when common challenges come, we can have the uncommon happen.

     As soon as Peter got into the house where they were staying, Jesus stopped him.  He knew what had happened.  So the Lord said for him to go fishing.  Peter was a fisherman before he followed Jesus so of course this was great.  But then came the uncommon instructions.

     Jesus said that when he cast a hook, the very first fish that bites, Peter was to haul it in, open its mouth, and inside would be a coin.  He was to use that coin to give to the tax collectors.  It would be enough for both of them.  Can you get more uncommon than that?

     Has God ever had you do something that was an unusual way to take care of the situation?  Sometimes you have to go fishing.  Fish for what God wants to show you can happen.  We don’t know Peter’s reaction to the way he paid his taxes, but I’m sure he recognized something uncommon had happened.  A miracle.

     When we believe and act on God's Word to us, we start entering into the realm of miracles.  Windows start opening.  Answers come.  Problems go.  I pray you can see that in your spirit.  You can be in the realm of miracles.  It’s the uncommon!  You are there because of one reason.  You have the favor of God on you.

     Don’t see what’s in front of you and think, It must stop here.  There isn’t any other way to go or provision to be had or word to be said.  Yes there is.  Peter had to pay taxes and God provided the uncommon way.  A coin in the mouth of the fish.

     When you are told nothing can be done in some area of your life, not true.  Start feeeeling the favor of God.  Remember you are in a realm of miracles because you can receive the uncommon from God.  Get your eyes open.  Start watching for what’s unusual.  Unexpected.  It’s rare.  Special.  It’s for YOU!  It’s something uncommon coming from the favor of God.

Spiritual Powerline to say out loud:

Here is a powerful prayer to say out loud:                          

      Lord, I need something uncommon to happen to solve my need.  So I believe I’m entering into the realm of miracles by Your favor.  I don’t accept the limits around me.  I will receive an uncommon answer.  I’m expecting something special from Your hands.  In the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Copyright (c) 2025 Alcott Ministries




You Have
God's Favor!
Jeanne Alcott

Mar 10-14

      What does it mean when the Bible talks about God’s favor?  It’s God’s support and benefits and protection for you.  It means He’s FOR your life.  With that comes privilege and approval.  But do you feel you’re living in that favor?  Do you recognize when it’s operating for you?  Are you making the most of it?  That’s what God’s Spirit is going to help you do as you hear His Word on favor.  You’ll be able to live in the fullness of the favor God!      
I.    You Have the Signs.
II.   You’re a Gem.
III.  Stay Out of the Stickers.
IV.  You Have Someone.
V.   You Receive the Uncommon.   
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                                     Stomach Issues Gone.
“Thank you for all of your prayers.  My health is much improved.  My stomach issues have resolved!  Praise be to God!”


                               Two Raises and a Gift Card.

"Praise be to God for His goodness.  So much has been happening.  Since the last time I wrote to you, God has blessed me to get two raises on my job.  [Also] on my job they pulled names for gifts at our workers appreciation day, and I won a VISA gift card which I had never won before.  I truly thank God for winning that.  I do appreciate you all being there for me, standing in agreement with me and in prayer for my family and me.  Here's my offering.  I name this seed God's provision and financial breakthrough."

                                Son in Prison Accepts Christ.  

“Dear Jeanne and John, a praise came to me when I was talking to my son in prison.  He said, ‘I believe in God and Jesus Christ.'”

                                   Gum Infection Healed.  

“My gum infection is healed.  Thank you so much for your prayers!”

                                      Marriage Helped.  

“I have seven people that I gave your book to.  One of them said, ‘Enjoying reading the book.  There are some days the book just talks to me.’  [Another friend] was ready to run away before she started the book.  Now she is staying [with her husband].”

                           Off Drugs and Going on Missions.  

“I was on drugs for years and have been sober six years.  I am living a wonderful life now in Jesus.  I asked you to pray for me about being a missionary.  Well [this summer] I am going to Guatemala with my church for a week!  Thank you so much.”


       Click here to request Jeanne Alcott’s teachings to be sent to you each month—four CDs a month for a pledge of $30 a month.  Hear the encouragement, comfort, and teaching God wants to send into your life.


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