Thursday, October 17, 2024

The weekly radio Word of Power broadcast has a unique and personal format. Not only do you experience fresh teaching by Jeanne Alcott from God's Word, but also you can receive prayer for your needs to be met. Available below are all 5 of this week's broadcasts for our Web site listeners.

Click Here to request CDs of Word of Power teachings, books, and other materials available from Alcott Ministries.
Click Here to listen to the current week's broadcast.
The weekly radio Word of Power broadcast has a unique and personal format. Not only do you experience fresh teaching by Jeanne Alcott from God's Word, but also you can receive prayer for your needs to be met. Available below are all 5 of this week's broadcasts for our Web site listeners.

Click here to request CDs of Word of Power teachings, books, and other materials available from Alcott Ministries.
Click here to listen to the current week's broadcast.



 "You Are Anointed!"
October 12 - 16


        God says in His Word that He has anointed you.  Within you is a special inward endowment that gives you spiritual power.  Simply put, God gave you what you need in order to get done what you need to get done!  He wants you to live in that anointing completely so you can meet challenges and be ready for the needs you have each day.  See disappointments conquered and dreams fulfilled!

Word of Power Archive Teachings

(Part 1):
You are Designated!

(Part 2):
You Are Gifted!

(Part 3):
You Are Another Person!

(Part 4):
You Are Undefeatable!

(Part 5):
You Are Prepared!

 "Be Brave!"
October 5 - 9


        You may not think of yourself as being a brave person.  That’s usually because we think of brave people as being those who do something heroic.  But your bravery is wrapped up in the brave One who is on the inside of you—the Lord.  Let that bravery come out so you can see personal needs met and overcome what is holding back your answers and blessings!

Word of Power Archive Teachings

(Part 1):
Be Brave in the Face of Fear!

(Part 2):
Be Brave in the Face of Something New!

(Part 3):
Be Brave in the Face of the Valley!

(Part 4):
Be Brave in the Face of Wrong!

(Part 5):
Be Brave in the Face of Bad Things!

 "God Keeps His Promises!"
September 28 -  October 2


        When you hear a promise from God you can have a rush of faith at that moment.  But what about when time drags on and you don't see it fulfilled?  Discover how you can see God keep His promises to you. !

Word of Power Archive Teachings

(Part 1):
Believe There Shall Be a Fulfillment!

(Part 2):
Train for the Promise!

(Part 3):
Let God Be Your Guardian!

(Part 4):
Don't Panic About the Promise!

(Part 5):
Press On for the Promise!


Word of Power Archive Teachings

Part 1:
OASIS Interview Jeanne & John.

Part 2:
OASIS Interview Jeanne & John.

Part 3:
OASIS Interview Jeanne & John.

Part 4:
OASIS Interview Jeanne & John.





What God Is About To Do!
five-part CD
by Jeanne
  Oct 19 - 23, 2015
God is saying that He is about to release some things on this earth that are going to astound us.  It’s time for many things that have been held back to be released now.  Find out how this will affect your life and how you can make sure that your arms are open, your mind is ready, and your spirit is set to receive them. 

I.   Release of Growth!
II.  Release of Revival!
III. Release of Works of Power!
IV. Release of Supply!
V.  Release of Flow!

Click to Browse Store
Get your copy of
the Oct-Dec
Newsletter. Filled
with inspirational
articles and great
information for
your life.
This is our gift to you, so click
here to request your powerful
packet today!
Power Prayer Line

(918) 459-9191


If you need prayer, contact
Alcott Ministries for a representative who will pray
with you or take your requests for products.

“God continues to bless me so that I can be a blessing to others.  And I am learning to rest in Him in the face of negative circumstances.  This month, my car needed some pretty big ticket work done on it.  But God was talking to me about resting in Him, seek Him first and trust for everything.  Then a big money gift came for Christmas.  I had the money to pay for [the work on my car] and some to bless others and a little left over too!  Praise God! ”

 “Thank you so much for your letter of encouragement!  The Lord has helped me in so many areas of my life that I am so thankful for.  I appreciate your prayers so much because I know they are sincere and God hears and answers.  May you and this ministry be richly richly blessed.” 

“Thank you for my weekly e-mail message.  I am at a pivotal point in my life to make a very important decision and your message came at a very crucial period.  I’ve been struggling to hear God, but I just had to sit quietly in meditation and prayer to make my petition, then His peace covered me like a warm blanket.  Thank you.  I covet your prayers.” 

Sign up to receive Jeanne’s weekly message and prayer to start your week with encouragement and direction from the Lord.  (See the box above to sign up.)

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