Alcott Ministries is a place where you can receive ministry, comfort, and prayer. As we share God's Word and pray with you, we expect great things to happen! And as you go through this Internet Ministry site, we believe you will hear the heart of God and sense His anointing, and be encouraged, inspired, and challenged to live in God's vision for your life! Jeanne and John Alcott. >>>>> Click Here for ALL of Jeanne Alcott's Videos! <<<<<
Discover how to see what you have dreamed of for so long happen this year! Watch this video in less than a minute. Click here now. Jeanne Alcott
How frustrating can it be when you feel the harder you try, the worse things become! During those times remember that God sees your struggle, and even though it seems it’s over and nothing is moving in your life, God is still moving in your behalf. It won’t be over until He says you have your victory. Be inspired to believe these words from the Lord by listening to our message, “Not Until God Says So!”. Jeanne Alcott
Take a New Selfie! You know how we love to take a selfie with our phones and share the pictures with others. But you also have a spiritual selfie inside you. It’s how you think about yourself and feel about your life. God wants to show you how to take a new selfie that will enable you to see the visions He’s put in your heart fulfilled. All kinds of visions that He has for your life. So I encourage you to watch this video and allow God's Spirit to work in your heart so you can see greater things done for your life. Jeanne Alcott
You're Being Pursued!
Have you any idea how much God is pursuing you? That means He follows you, He goes after you, He even chases you. His intent is to pursue you to show you His heart toward you. He isn’t satisfied just to be on the outskirts of your life, or to be just a part of your life. He is your very life. He wants you to engage with Him in mutual love and consideration and honor and the enjoyment of your relationship. See the different ways God is coming after you with what He has for you.
Pursued by God's Presence. (14:30 min).
Pursued by God's Patience. (14:30 min).
Pursued by God's Protection. (14:30 min).
Pursued by God's Passion. (14:30 min).
We all have different people in our life who really care about us. They love us. We’re grateful for the relationships and connections we have. Good family and friends, coworkers or those with whom we share our life.
Love feels good, doesn’t it! But as good as it is to have someone care about us, it isn’t any comparison to how God cares about us. The love of God isn’t just a passing emotion, and it doesn’t just come into His heart for you every once in a while. It’s a passion. It’s a passion with God to love you. Therefore, you are pursued by God’s passion. He chases after you to love you. And you don’t even have to ask Him. He just does! He pursues you!
Psalm 23 says this about God’s relationship to us, Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. (Ref. Psalm 23:6 MSG.) The love of God chases after you every day of your life! David, who wrote this psalm, knew how it was to have this chasing after him. He had experienced many other things chasing after him so he needed that love.
King Saul wanted to kill him to keep him from taking over his position. Also, David’s own son betrayed him. At times, those whom he trusted showed they didn’t really love him.
But David always knew the love of God was there for him. Every day. Always. That love was chasing him down. He was pursued by God’s passion. So he wrote that psalm so we would see how strong the love of God is for us. So strong that He chases after us every day.
I hope these words are feeding your soul. Because this is what God wants you to hear. He wants you to know and feel the kind of love He has for you. In spite of the conditions you face or the challenges, in spite of disappointments or unfulfilled desires, still know that God is pursuing you to show you His care and affection. And He is ready to help you.
When others cannot be there for you because they’re just human, you can always rely on the love of God. He understands your needs and can make sure those are provided.
He never pushes you to the side. Never ignores you. Never forgets you. How can He when He’s pursuing you? You’re always in front of Him being pursued by the passion within Him to love you. He wants you to always remember that you belong to Him. He has chosen you.
In Colossians it tells us we are God’s own chosen ones. Picked by Him. Because of that we have a new kind of life. Verse 12 in chapter 3 says, Since you have been chosen by God who has given you this new kind of life, and because of His deep love and concern for you, you should practice tenderhearted mercy and kindness to others. (Ref. Colossians 3:12a TLB.)
He has a passion to pursue us to show us how much He does care. We don’t have to search any other place. We belong to Him and He will always be there for us. So as you go about your day, remember, you’re being pursued. Love is after you. The love of God is chasing you. He wants to talk with you, be by your side, show you His favor and His presence.
Something is chasing you, and it’s the love of God.
Spiritual Powerline to say out loud: “GOD’S LOVE IS PURSUING ME!”
Here is a powerful prayer to say out loud:
Thank You, Lord, for loving me so much. I know Your love is there to guide me when I need direction, protect me when I need protection, comfort me in the moments when I need comfort, and to enable me to accomplish great things and see desires fulfilled. Your love is chasing me every day. Now I reassure You again of my love for You. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Now is the time to get your devotional book for 2025. Make your daily time with God more meaningful and powerful as you read a message from His heart to you each day. Each devotional contains a short inspirational message, a Spiritual Powerline to express throughout the day, and a prayer to pray out loud. See your life go to a higher level of what God has for you! Strengthen Your Devotional Time with God. Click here now. Paperback $15
You can request your copy by --> CLICKING HERE. Or write to Alcott Ministries, PO Box 3400, Broken Arrow, OK 74013. Or call 918-459-9191.
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Thank you.
The daily Word of Power broadcast has a unique and personal format. Not only do you experience fresh teaching by Jeanne Alcott from God's Word, but you can also receive prayer for your needs to be met.
You're Being Pursued! five-part message by Jeanne Alcott Airing Feb 10-14