Alcott Ministries is a place where you can receive ministry, comfort, and prayer. As we share God's Word and pray with you, we expect great things to happen! And as you go through this Internet Ministry site, we believe you will hear the heart of God and sense His anointing, and be encouraged, inspired, and challenged to live in God's vision for your life! Jeanne and John Alcott. >>>>> Click Here for ALL of Jeanne Alcott's Videos! <<<<<
Discover how to see what you have dreamed of for so long happen this year! Watch this video in less than a minute. Click here now. Jeanne Alcott
How frustrating can it be when you feel the harder you try, the worse things become! During those times remember that God sees your struggle, and even though it seems it’s over and nothing is moving in your life, God is still moving in your behalf. It won’t be over until He says you have your victory. Be inspired to believe these words from the Lord by listening to our message, “Not Until God Says So!”. Jeanne Alcott
Take a New Selfie! You know how we love to take a selfie with our phones and share the pictures with others. But you also have a spiritual selfie inside you. It’s how you think about yourself and feel about your life. God wants to show you how to take a new selfie that will enable you to see the visions He’s put in your heart fulfilled. All kinds of visions that He has for your life. So I encourage you to watch this video and allow God's Spirit to work in your heart so you can see greater things done for your life. Jeanne Alcott
Nothing Can Stop It!
A powerful force is working in your life. It's a movement from God to accomplish His will for you. But there are other forces working to accomplish the opposite. So you must believe that nothing can stop what God has for you as you have faith. Be convinced that His force is greater than the one trying to stop what you desire.
See the Results In Spite Of. (14:30 min).
Break the Barrier. (14:30 min).
Don't Be Denied. (14:30 min).
Go Past Humble Beginnings. (14:30 min).
It’s a terrible feeling when you have requested something, and someone in authority denies it. Or you need some love or attention from a person and they deny it to you. Perhaps you feel you’ve been denied a way to become well or have a need met.
We have all experienced being refused to be given something we desire. But there are times in our life when we shouldn’t accept it. Don’t be denied. When we know that something is intended for us, we must believe nothing can stop it. God will make it happen. Therefore, we won’t accept a denied answer. Otherwise, we may miss what God has ready for us.
In spite of the conditions that are surrounding us and all that’s happening, just one thing matters. That we know God can provide our request and nothing can stop Him from doing it. That simple.
The minister, Oral Roberts, used to say that it’s real simple: the devil is a bad devil, and God is a good God. Now I would add to that: it’s simple—the devil is weak and God is powerful. Sure, the effects of what the devil and his forces do can seem very powerful. But COMPARED to what God can do for you, his forces are weak. So don’t be denied what you can have. God will find a way to get something to you by His power.
There’s a story in the Old Testament that we don’t hear about very often, but it’s such a tremendous picture of the way God works to stop what Satan is trying to stop. When the wrong forces come in to stop something from coming to us, God will find a way to get it to us.
This story in Exodus chapter 1 is about when the Hebrews are in Egyptian bondage. In spite of the cruel bondage, they are proliferating. Having lots of babies! So much so that the Egyptians got scared. These Hebrews may start outnumbering them and then if they go to war, the Hebrews could join the enemy and wipe out Egypt.
So they called in two of the midwives that were responsible for helping to deliver the Hebrew babies. The Egyptian rulers gave the midwives the instructions that when a baby boy was born, as soon as he appeared, they were to kill the newborn. That way they could keep their numbers under control.
So many times, what is trying to be born in your life is being denied. Just as soon as that wonderful desire from your heart starts to be born, the enemy forces try to make sure something is there to kill it. Stop it. Deny your desire. But they cannot stop what God can do. He can find a way to help it be born.
The midwives decided they would honor God instead of the commandment to kill these babies. Because of it, God also gave them babies of their own and their families grew. The Hebrews went on to continue to grow and be blessed until they were delivered.
Hey, when the enemy turns up the heat of oppression to cause you to shrink back, the more you will expand. When he decreases you, God multiplies you. When he sets you back, God sends you forward. When you feel you’re becoming worse, God makes you better. You become more not less. You become greater not smaller. Stronger not weaker. More courageous not fearful. Nothing can stop what God is making you in spite of what the enemy does.
God has a spiritual midwife waiting to help you get that baby born. The word midwife doesn’t just mean a healthcare person who is trained to assist in childbirth. Another meaning of that is one who helps to produce or bring forth something. God has a way to produce or bring forth what is yours.
When we believe our desire can be born, nothing can stop it. He will make sure it happens with whomever He has to use, whatever He has to use, and the way they are used. So refuse to be denied. Believe you can see that desire live.
Denied? No way. Your God will see that it comes to pass.
Spiritual Powerline to say out loud: “I WILL NOT BE DENIED!”
Here is a powerful prayer to say out loud:
Lord, thank You for providing the way for my miracle. I don’t accept it being denied to me and stopped. I know there is a way! You will show it and fulfill what’s in my heart. I believe this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Now is the time to get your devotional book for 2025. Make your daily time with God more meaningful and powerful as you read a message from His heart to you each day. Each devotional contains a short inspirational message, a Spiritual Powerline to express throughout the day, and a prayer to pray out loud. See your life go to a higher level of what God has for you! Strengthen Your Devotional Time with God. Click here now. Paperback $15
You can request your copy by --> CLICKING HERE. Or write to Alcott Ministries, PO Box 3400, Broken Arrow, OK 74013. Or call 918-459-9191.
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The daily Word of Power broadcast has a unique and personal format. Not only do you experience fresh teaching by Jeanne Alcott from God's Word, but you can also receive prayer for your needs to be met.
Nothing Can Stop It! five-part message by Jeanne Alcott Airing Mar 3-7