Alcott Ministries is a place where you can receive ministry, comfort, and prayer. As we share God's Word and pray with you, we expect great things to happen! And as you go through this Internet Ministry site, we believe you will hear the heart of God and sense His anointing, and be encouraged, inspired, and challenged to live in God's vision for your life! Jeanne and John Alcott. >>>>> Click Here for ALL of Jeanne Alcott's Videos! <<<<<
How frustrating can it be when you feel the harder you try, the worse things become! During those times remember that God sees your struggle, and even though it seems it’s over and nothing is moving in your life, God is still moving in your behalf. It won’t be over until He says you have your victory. Be inspired to believe these words from the Lord by listening to our message, “Not Until God Says So!”. Jeanne Alcott
Don’t see your days ahead as full of disappointment. In spite of what you see, remember that every one of your future days is in the hands of God. What does He have planned? This is what He wants to reveal to you. There are so many good plans waiting for you. Watch this video!
RECEIVE YOUR HEALING! Feel the healing presence and anointing of God as you watch this video that God strongly led me to make for your life. I believe it’s time for you to receive the health God has for you. Jeanne Alcott.
Be at Full-Power! God has given you power for your life. Now it's up to you to connect to it and operate at full-power. That's when you can follow in His ways and operate in your gifts and see greater miracles and blessings for you and others. Allow God to impart to you a deeper understanding and revelation of the spiritual power you receive from Him.
Run at Top Speed. (14:30 min).
Crush It. (14:30 min).
Walk in Blessing. (14:30 min).
Be Strong in the Shakedown. (14:30 min).
In the Navy there is a test they do on a submarine that’s called a shakedown cruise. It happens when a ship comes out of drydock. Drydock is a basin where the submarine is put before it can go out to sea.
So there’s an exercise that they call a “sea trial.” This is where they take the submarine to a certain depth so they can test the integrity of the hull. This is crucial in order to discover if there are any cracks or dents in the ship that could cause a structure issue. The pressure from the depth of the ocean will reveal if there is anything. So that phase is called a “shakedown cruise.”
They get a feel for the power of the ship and its ability to perform. Is it seaworthy? Can it operate at maximum designed output during the shakedown?
Sometimes you are in a shakedown cruise. You’ve been pushed down to where the pressure is great. The devil is waiting to see if you will crack.
You know how it is when you come to the point you feel if one more incident happens—if one more need comes up—if one more symptom shows up—if there is one more irritating bad moment, you will crack. But! You won’t. It’s because of the power inside you. You’re not relying on your own power.
You have an engine, a spiritual engine that God built in you, that enables you to be strong in the shakedown. You can show the devil what you’re made of. You’re made of the very Spirit of God inside you. His power and fortitude and strength and energy and abilities have been built inside you.
Listen, in spite of the pressure, you have the power. So remember when the pressure comes, you have the power. You have the power to be strong when the pressure is trying to shake your life.
You are what is called seaworthy. You can be down in the depths where the pressure is great and still stay together. You’re not going to break apart. I know it may feel at times as if you could just break apart because of what’s happening. But you have too much of the power of God pulling you together. That’s what His power does. It pulls you together.
You can keep your sanity, your good thoughts, your emotions intact, your life can remain stable and strong. You can have happiness. That’s because you’re operating at full-power. And that power causes that pressure to bounce off.
See, if you use the power of God in you and you do it at full capacity, by that I mean you allow His power to have control of your spirit, then when the pressure of life comes, that power will cause the pressure to bounce off you. It can’t keep you down. It can’t push you down and keep you down.
In Proverbs chapter 24 this is how you as a believer are described. Now really see yourself this way, because it says that when the enemy tries to trip you up, you won’t stay down. Soon you’ll be up on your feet and the wicked will end up flat on his face. (Ref. Proverbs 24:15, 16 MSG.) Ha! You’re going up and the enemy is going down!
You’re not the one who’s going down! You’re the one who’s going up. He may have put pressure on you to push you down and cause you to give up on what you desire. But you won’t stay down there much time.
Just imagine yourself as a submarine and you’re pushing up towards the top, you’re pushing against the pressure by the power of God in you, and all of a sudden you pop up out of the depths of the pressure. Nothing can keep you down. The shakedown wasn’t able to shake you. You remained stable because you drew on the power inside you instead of trying to draw from your own energy or strength.
You’re coming to the top.
Spiritual Powerline to say out loud: “I HAVE THE POWER WITHIN ME TO COME OUT ON TOP!”
Here is a powerful prayer to say out loud:
Father, when I feel I have come to the place I can’t handle one more thing going wrong, I know Your power in me will sustain me. The pressure can’t keep me down. I’m coming to the top in great victory. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Now is the time to get your devotional book for 2025. Make your daily time with God more meaningful and powerful as you read a message from His heart to you each day. Each devotional contains a short inspirational message, a Spiritual Powerline to express throughout the day, and a prayer to pray out loud. See your life go to a higher level of what God has for you! Strengthen Your Devotional Time with God. Click here now. Paperback $15
You can request your copy by --> CLICKING HERE. Or write to Alcott Ministries, PO Box 3400, Broken Arrow, OK 74013. Or call 918-459-9191.
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The daily Word of Power broadcast has a unique and personal format. Not only do you experience fresh teaching by Jeanne Alcott from God's Word, but you can also receive prayer for your needs to be met.
Be at Full-Power! five-part message by Jeanne Alcott Airing January 13-17