Alcott Ministries is a place where you can receive ministry, comfort, and prayer. As we share God's Word and pray with you, we expect great things to happen! And as you go through this Internet Ministry site, we believe you will hear the heart of God and sense His anointing, and be encouraged, inspired, and challenged to live in God's vision for your life! Jeanne and John Alcott. >>>>> Click Here for all Jeanne Alcott's Videos! <<<<<
Stay Calm! In spite of what you’re seeing that is disturbing, remember this: what you see is not the true picture. God has the true picture. As you stay calm in Him, you will see how He is in control and taking care of you. Watch this video and let Him speak to your spirit.
You've Been Tested and Proven!
After we get out of school, we think testing is over. It’s a rude awakening when we become an adult and we realize the real tests of life are just beginning. The challenges we encounter. The new things we must discover. The disappointments, the hardships, the difficulties to overcome. When you are engaged in some kind of test of life, God is right beside you, proving you will make it. You’ll come out victorious. You’ve been tested and proven!
Believe the Word. (14:30 min).
Don't Compromise Your Stand. (14:30 min).
See by Faith. (14:30 min).
Stand Against the Powers. (14:30 min).
Have you ever had to cross a bridge that made you somewhat concerned as you were crossing it? Maybe it was an old one so you wondered if it was still stable. Or it was a very high bridge, or went over a dangerous area below, and you were concerned about taking it.
In the days of the old West when the Union Pacific Railroad was being constructed, bridges had to be built across canyons. Some of those canyons were very large which meant sure death if the bridge collapsed because the train was too heavy. So an engineer who had just finished construction of a bridge across a canyon knew that bridge must be tested.
To accomplish that, he took some train cars and filled them with double the weight they would normally carry. Then he had the cars carefully driven to the center of the bridge and the cars remained there an entire day.
As the workers stood by the side watching, one of them couldn’t resist. He said to the builder, “Are you trying to break this bridge?” But he replied, “No, I’m trying to prove the bridge won’t break.”
Have you ever felt you were a bridge that had a train on you and it had double the load? It just seemed too much. You knew your life was being tested. But consider this. You’re not being tested so it can be seen if you will break. When you’re tested, you’re proving that you WON’T break. Whatever the devil sends against you, it cannot break you. The test is showing how strong and able you are to withstand the load.
Now, that doesn’t mean that you won’t feel it. Of course, you’re going to feel the load of life at times. You know what that is! The load of life! You may be feeling it right now in some way. An unpleasant issue you’re facing. A responsibility. Something new you have to accomplish. You’re just trying to get along in the day. You’re the bridge and you have the train on you…all day!
But here’s something about that bridge you have to understand. That builder knew that bridge wouldn’t break because he knew what went into it. He knew the labor, the materials, the good workmanship. He knew the plans that had been drawn up so that it could withstand a load. So he was showing it was tested and proven.
So are you. You are tested and proven. God knew the devil would be testing you, so He drew up plans to make you what you are. Labor has gone into your life. He knows the materials of which you’re made. Good spiritual stock. Good workmanship has gone into your whole being.
Ephesians chapter 2 says that you are God’s own handiwork, His workmanship, re-created in Christ Jesus. It goes on to say that because of that, you can see the plans He has for you open up before you and have the good kind of life which He prearranged and made ready for you. (Ref. Ephesians 2:10.)
So see, God knows all about you. He knows you won’t break. So when you feel as if you might break, remember this. You’re tested and proven. When you encounter a test of something the devil sends, don’t think of it as there to break you, but it’s going to show how strong you are in difficult conditions.
In spite of how weak you feel, think of this: what’s under that bridge? What’s holding up that bridge when a load is on it? Strong pillars, good solid construction, materials that won’t bend and break. That’s what God has holding you up when a load is heavy. You have strong pillars, supports, strength. You’re made of good solid construction because the Holy Spirit Himself resides in you.
You’re made of materials that won’t bend and break—the Word of God, your salvation, the power of the Spirit of God in you. That’s how you need to see yourself.
When you’re in a test from the devil, don’t see yourself as about to break, see yourself as proven. Show you won’t break. Not because of who you are by yourself, but because of how God has built you. He’s built you spiritually so you won’t break. You can withstand a load and prove you are strong. You refuse to weaken and crash into the canyon below. You know God is there to uphold you and help you continue on. You’re going into greater things.
That bridge that was constructed in the West was going to carry important responsibilities as the trains went over it each day. You are going into something important and great because you won’t break.
Spiritual Powerline to say out loud: “I’M GOING INTO GREATER THINGS!”
Here is a powerful prayer to say out loud:
Lord, thank You for making me able to withstand the tests of life. No load will break me down. That’s because I have the power of Your Spirit in me. I’m going into greater things! In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Dominate or Be Dominated Book by Jeanne Alcott SPECIAL GIFT OFFER
Writing this book has been an amazing journey! It's as if God had His hand on my shoulder urging me each step of the way. He said to my spirit, "I want you to finish that book. My people have got to get aggressive now." It's time for us to have aggressive faith and spiritually dominate in a greater way over what the enemy is trying to do. We must do it for your lives and our families and this nation and the world. As the photo on the front cover of the book suggests: You can be a lion cub all your life...or you can be king of the forest. ©. So I urge you to get your copy right away. Jeanne Alcott The righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1 Click here now. Paperback $15
Hardback $18 with dust jacket
You can request your copy by --> CLICKING HERE. Or write to Alcott Ministries, PO Box 3400, Broken Arrow, OK 74013. Or call 918-459-9191.
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The daily Word of Power broadcast has a unique and personal format. Not only do you experience fresh teaching by Jeanne Alcott from God's Word, but you can also receive prayer for your needs to be met.
You've Been Tested and Proven! five-part message by Jeanne Alcott Airing Sept 9-13