Saturday, July 27, 2024

As we desire to help you receive and achieve all God has for you, our Weekly Word of Power and Prayer devotional will empower you this hour, this day, and for the week. Join Jeanne as she brings these truths for your life from God’s Word and the Spiritual Powerline and Prayer to say out loud!!

Week of July 22, 2024


  You Just
  Tell You!

     Whatever you’re facing right now that is uncomfortable or a challenge to accomplish, believe you’ve got this.  Believe you can.  If you don’t believe you can, then you can’t.  You’ll back away and allow something to stop you.

     Listen, nobody can stop what God has for you.  It’s meant for you.  Hear that.  This is meant for you.  The success, that accomplishment, the ability to overcome or make something good happen.  It’s in you.  You’ve got this.

     That means it isn’t out of your reach.  What you must do isn’t beyond you.  How can it be, when God has put Himself in your spirit and set you up so you’ll do well.  This is a belief that Christians who have seen God’s will done in a great way for them have inside them.  You’ll do well.

     This is to where a young man had to come when he was competing in the Olympics.  His name has been famous for many years because he competed in the Olympics in Germany just before World War II.  Those were tough conditions in which to compete.

     But the man, Jesse Owens, was on the track team for the U.S. that year.  He had much going for him.  Good coaching, good experience, and great talent and he had been winning his competitions.  One of his best events was the broad jump.

     All that taken into account, he should do well.  It was expected.  But all it was about to be tested.  As you know, in the Olympics those athletes wanting to compete must qualify in some competitions that take place before the final one.  If they don’t perform well in the qualifiers, they cannot compete in the final.  In fact, the Summer Olympics for 2024 begin on July 26, and many of the young people will be working to qualify or they cannot compete.

     So it was important that Jesse Owens do well in the qualifying events.  But when it came to the broad jump, he was having trouble.  He was supposed to win that event with ease because in the past he had won first place in every track meet in which he competed except one.

     But on that day, he said this, “Something was going wrong.  I couldn’t imagine what was happening to spoil my jumping technique, but I had jumped only 23’6” as a qualification effort and apparently was about to be eliminated.”  He couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t doing well.  He knew he had the ability and experience and that God’s hand was on him.  But things weren’t working out.  He was stumped.  He just needed someone to tell him he would do well.

     We’ve all been at that place.  We know who we are in God, we have believed, but why isn’t this working?  “Why am I not seeing the results I need?”  We may feel stumped, but we won’t stay there!  That’s when God sends the words we need so we can do well.

     In those moments, a young German man who was Jesse's opponent came up to help him.  He had been watching Jesse trying to qualify in his jumps.  He knew he had just one more opportunity and he would miss out.

     Oh, when we are in that moment that we have just one more try, one more moment, one more opportunity, and then it will be over, that’s when we depend on God.

     In those moments, the German came over and remeasured the steps Jesse was taking and then he remeasured his takeoff mark.  Afterwards, he took Jesse’s sweatshirt and put it right next to the takeoff board as a marker to help him judge his jump.  That was all it took.  Jesse took his final try and was able to produce the results so he qualified.  In the final jump for the competition, Owens jumped over 26 feet and won it!  He just needed someone to say to him by their actions, "You'll do well".

     You may feel stumped right now and don’t understand why conditions aren’t better.  Why aren’t you doing well?  Believe that God will send just what you need.  Believe that when you’re tested, you’ll do well.  You just needed someone to tell you that today.

Spiritual Powerline to say out loud:

Here is a powerful prayer to say out loud:                          

      Lord, I sense Your Spirit around me.  I have faith in what You’re doing.  You’re telling me that this will turn out well.  I’m so grateful to You in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Copyright (c) 2024 Alcott Ministries




You'll Do Well!
Jeanne Alcott

July 22-26

      Have you ever been apprehensive or just a bit uneasy about something you must do?  You just weren’t sure how you would do it, or if you could do it.  Because of that, you may have decided not to move ahead or gave up an opportunity.  But God speaks to your heart words to counteract those thoughts.  "You'll do well!"  See how He makes this possible in your life!
I.    Believe You’ve Got This.
II.   Go All Out.
III.  Stay on Task. 
IV.  Don’t Be Stumped
         and Stay There. 
V.   Don’t Let the Grass Grow.
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                                     Stomach Issues Gone.
“Thank you for all of your prayers.  My health is much improved.  My stomach issues have resolved!  Praise be to God!”


                               Two Raises and a Gift Card.

"Praise be to God for His goodness.  So much has been happening.  Since the last time I wrote to you, God has blessed me to get two raises on my job.  [Also] on my job they pulled names for gifts at our workers appreciation day, and I won a VISA gift card which I had never won before.  I truly thank God for winning that.  I do appreciate you all being there for me, standing in agreement with me and in prayer for my family and me.  Here's my offering.  I name this seed God's provision and financial breakthrough."

                                Son in Prison Accepts Christ.  

“Dear Jeanne and John, a praise came to me when I was talking to my son in prison.  He said, ‘I believe in God and Jesus Christ.'”

                                   Gum Infection Healed.  

“My gum infection is healed.  Thank you so much for your prayers!”

                                      Marriage Helped.  

“I have seven people that I gave your book to.  One of them said, ‘Enjoying reading the book.  There are some days the book just talks to me.’  [Another friend] was ready to run away before she started the book.  Now she is staying [with her husband].”

                           Off Drugs and Going on Missions.  

“I was on drugs for years and have been sober six years.  I am living a wonderful life now in Jesus.  I asked you to pray for me about being a missionary.  Well [this summer] I am going to Guatemala with my church for a week!  Thank you so much.”


       Click here to request Jeanne Alcott’s teachings to be sent to you each month—four CDs a month for a pledge of $30 a month.  Hear the encouragement, comfort, and teaching God wants to send into your life.


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